The Bird and the Star

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Torigoya was mad. After crashing at Maedas place, her father called her, trying to make her come home. She then crushed her phone under a chair. What a great morning. Not only that, but she got ambushed by a lone wolf from some unknown school, but the attacker was so weak, that she fainted after one blow. She had her hopes up for some stress relieve but now it was even worse, and she needed a new phone. Great. Just great.

On the other side of town, Asahi was just as stressed, trying to remember what the people who saved her looked like. Or anything for that matter. And she lost her phone as well. Jiro tried to cheer her up, but failed miserably at it, but at least he tried.

They both thought the same thing(almost the same thing) at the same time;
"Maybe I should take Jiro/Shibuya or Maeda shopping for a new phone with me.
Nami might have been the best though. Nah I won't bother her.
I'll take Maeda. After last night it might the best choice, since Shibuya will just keep nagging.

And they did. Both having their friends help them pick something. Asahi having most of day free, as the school had rodents or something. Torigoya just chose to skip, and dragged Maeda with her, barely being able to get around her annoying "protector". Somehow they chose the same store.

"Jiro, what about this one?"
"Nope. To ordinary. You should get the red one or the black one."
"But what's wrong with pink?!"
"It's to similar to cherry blossoms, and that thoughts kinda sad."
"Really? Sad... That's true. I kinda miss the girls."
"Of course you do. They were your best friends."
"You know? I'll take the red one. It's peppy and still cute."
"Good idea!"

"Maeda? How about hot pink? It's funny!"
Maeda shook her head.
"Red is better. It fits you. It matches you jacket..."
"Quiet as usual huh... Guess your right. Pink is Shibuyas-chin, green is Gekikara-chins, black is Blacks, grey is Sado-sans, and white is Yuko-sans. I think yours is orange Maeda. I think it fits you. So I guess I'm red huh?"
A single nod was her answer.

As the four went to the saleswoman, the first question was; "Shouldn't you be at school right now?" The answers were as simple as "No, Graduated"
"Got the day off. The schools infected."
"None of your business. Or do you want to get beaten?!"
"No... Not right now... Maybe later..."
The 3rd answer caught the most attention. Especially as Asahi realized that she wasn't staring at a mirror, but an actual person. Torigoya then noticed her stare, and then returned it, just as curious. Again the same thing;
"Who are you?!"
"Wakamatsu Asahi, former "idol". You?"
"Torigoya. Yankee. Rappapa Queen."
They then turned to the saleswoman and both asked for the same red phone.

After that they both decided to get matching accessories, just different colors, to tell the difference. They even exchanged numbers afterwards.

During this, Jiro tried to make Maeda tell him about this Torigoya, but he couldn't get any concrete answers. He kept going though.
"That's not gonna help you, you know." The surprising statement from Torigoya made Jiro jump.
"Why not?" Asahi asked.
"Maeda may be strong, and a great friend, but... As far any of us know, she used to be open and happy, but... Since that day she has been like this. Quiet, reserved... Only truly waking up at special times. It's kinda sad, but... She is still a very good friend." That got Torigoya a small smile.
"But... What happened, 'that day'?"
This immediately removed the smile from Maedas face, as she bowed her head mumbling again. Torigoya immediately noticed and went on to talk about something else, until a shout was heard.
"Torigoya! Maeda!!"
As they turned around, a small girl jumped at them, with a taller one coming up behind her.
"Sado-san!! Yuko-san!!!" Was Torigoyas reply, while Maeda just bowed.
"Look like you finally dragged her away from her desk, huh Torigoya?! This isn't something that happens often!"
"Well... I kinda broke my phone, so I took her shopping with me, as Shibuya would probably be nagging me all day. I hope you don't mind, Yuko-san."
"Nah, not really. I heard something interesting though...."
"Oh God!! Please don't say that-"
"I heard that your real name is 'Kojima Haruna'. That's kinda funny. I thought it would something like 'Nina'!" Laugh followed.
"Haruna? That sounds somehow familiar..."
The Top two Yankees then noticed the Torigoya-clone. (Yukos thoughts, I swear!!!)  
"Oh... Uhm... I'm Wakamatsu Asahi. It's nice to meet you..." Asahi fidgeted while trying to ignore Yukos wide-eyed stare.
"Soo... Is she your twin or something cause... I'm completely blank!"

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