Date Night

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      "You want to do what now?" Tracy asked, grinning from ear to ear. She was thrilled and felt no need to hide it.

     Lily sighed and regretted ever saying yes to June. "To go out with June this weekend. Can you watch the kids or not? Please stop dragging this out."

     "I'm not. But with June? Really? What made you ask her out?"

     "Okay, first of all, I didn't ask her out," Lily clarified. "And there wasn't any of that. We're just going to hang. If she's your friend I might as well try to get along with her, too, right?"

     Tracy hummed, not believing it. "Sure... Sure... Okay, I'll watch the kids."

     "Great. I guess I should tell June." Lily pulled out her phone. She looked up. "I don't have her number."

     Tracy's eyes sparkled wickedly. "Would you like her number?"

     "You need to stop with that. You're freaking me out."

     "Do you want her number or not?"

     "Just give it to me."

     Singing a tune to herself, Tracy snatched Lily's phone and put June's number into her contact list. Lily grabbed her phone back, scowling, and texted June rather than call. She didn't want to get roped into a long conversation. All she needed was to give information and that was it. Luckily June seemed to understand that and texted back that she understood and would pick up Lily Saturday afternoon. Tracy read the text message over Lily's shoulder and made an ugly squealing noise.

     "Have fun," she purred into Lily's ear. Lily grimaced and again regretted saying yes to June. Tracy obviously thought there was some other underlying reason why the get together was happening. Lily didn't know about that, but she hated that Tracy thought so. Especially because Tracy wasn't often wrong.


     When Saturday rolled around Lily got ready in comfortable clothing- jeans and a loose fitting shirt- and made sure her phone was charged on the chance she might need Tracy to come fetch her. She wanted an exit plan just in case things got weird or uncomfortable with June. June was nice and all but it wasn't as though they were friends like her and Tracy were. Lily and June might not get along without the kids as buffers.

     "She's here," Tracy chirped from the living room.

     Lily sighed and quickly slipped on socks before shoving her feet into soft soled shoes. She remained where she was until the doorbell rang and Tracy went to answer the door. She should have gone out before June had the chance to reach the door, but Tracy would get her kicks either way. Easier to let it all happen at once.

     Danny rushed to meet Christina when June stepped inside, and Lily slowly made her way to the living room, watching everyone interact without her. Tracy and June hugged like the good friends they were while Lily stood off to the side and waited for someone to acknowledge her.

     The first person to was June. "Ready to go?" she asked.

     Lily pursed her lips and thrust her hips forward, her hands shoved into her pockets. "Let's do it."

     June smiled and opened her mouth to say something else, but Christina squealed first and ran to hug Lily's legs. "Can I go?" the little girl practically begged.

     Lily was about to suggest, maybe, they let the kids come along, but June was quick to say, "Not this time, sweetie. Next time."

     Christina sulked for only a minute. She hugged Lily tighter then let go and returned to Danny. Lily managed a held back smile, ignoring Tracy's waggling eyebrows, and started for the front door. "See you later," she told everyone but June. "Have fun."

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