The Start

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     The next few days strung along lazily. Lily caught up entirely with her work and managed to snag two more clients interested in her work. If and when they were satisfied, the payments would be enough to pay for next month's rent. The payments she had already received from previous clients were a plush cushion and she wouldn't have to worry for a long time. She always placed her money into her bank account for a rainy day. She wasn't a big spender, either, so she had thousands upon thousands of dollars saved and accruing interest, each client adding hundreds more to her reserve.

     Tracy often pestered her to get a house, a mortgage, but Lily liked her apartment. It was perfect for her and occasionally Danny. The extra room a house would give her simply wasn't needed. Besides, sometimes she helped Tracy with her bills, so it was like she already had a mortgage along with her rent.

     By the time Christina's birthday rolled around Lily had another client and another paycheck. She drove to Tracy's around noon instead of getting picked up then they all piled into a single car to save gas. Lily had bought a gift for little Christina and held it on her lap as Tracy drove. Danny marveled at the sparkling gift wrap and made guesses as to what was hidden inside. Tracy guessed as well, enjoying egging Danny on, and even revealed what she had bought for Christina. But Lily kept her lips sealed because it was fun making her loved ones groan. After all, a surprise was a surprise.

     Laughing manically the whole way to June's, Lily poked fun at both Tracy and Danny when they grew frustrated and demanded to know what Lily had bought. Again, Lily refused to tell, and she exited the car to more groaning. Since they were at the party, everyone sobered up, and put on their best faces.

     June's house was festive for the occasion, and Lily stared at the balloons lining the brick walkway as well as the streamers thrown over the hedges and doorway. The front door was also wide open for anyone to come in. June was standing inside and she was greeting someone else as Lily, Tracy, and Danny walked up to the front steps. June turned to them delightedly and greeted them all in turn.

     "You didn't have to get anything," June told Lily, the last one to be greeted. She took the present and put it on a table nearby already stacked with gifts.

     Lily stared at the huge tower of surprises and said, "I guess I didn't. It looks like she never would have noticed if I got her something or not."

     June half-smiled and looked at Lily head on. "She would notice. She likes you. A lot."

     Feeling strange, Lily managed to smile back. She excused herself and went in search of Tracy, who had gone to greet her friends almost as soon as she was through the front door. Danny, surely, was with his friends, too.

     Lily found the way to the backyard and glanced over all the playing kids running around, some of them in a large pool that she hadn't expected. There was a bounce house, too, as well as a little area for face painting, and an area where a magician was wowing shining children. The adults stood nearer to the food tables, chatting with one another, while others were in the pool to make sure the kids were safe and watched. There was a brightly colored pinata hanging on the branch of one of the two trees in the yard, but no one was acknowledging it yet. The scent of barbecue rose through the air and Lily noticed a familiar face manning the grill. It was... Charlie, she remembered, the single dad she was barely introduced to a week earlier.

     Going nearer to Tracy, Lily filled a sturdy paper plate with potato salad, chips, and a plain hotdog. She remained by Tracy's side, an awkward plus one, and ate in silence as she listened to Tracy talk and laugh with the other parents. She wasn't sure what to do, especially since she didn't know anyone. She thought how ridiculous she had been to accept the invitation to the party. She didn't belong, and no one would have minded if she never showed. Sighing, Lily hung back and thought about leaving, how she'd do it without seeming rude. How she'd do it when Tracy drove her there.

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