Into the Minish woods

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Shade: I was honestly not going to continue this, but I started it so I might as well finish it! xD


Well, lets start his stor- okay fine. MY story the old fashion way shall we?

Once upon a time, there was Minish, or well, Picori, as you humans like to call us. This Minish lived in the woods close to a human town, at the base of an old tree with their parents....

"Sweetheart! Come back to house, It's getting late!"
Vaati looked back at his mother, who was by the doorway waving at him to come back inside. "Coming Ma!" He exclaimed. Closing the small picture book in his hands, he stood up and ran back to the house.

Once inside he moved to go to his room, but his mom stopped him. "Vaati! Look at you, your cloths all dusty and it's nearly time for supper! You want to look nice for when dad comes back don't you?" She started patting his cloths to get most the dust off of it, and stepped back with a nod. As if confirming that Vaati was cleaner now. "Off you go then."
"Thanks Ma!" He exclaimed and ran off to his room so he could put the book away before he went to eat supper.


Vaati sat back with a small satisfied sigh. Ahhh... Ma really did make the best food.... Besides how good he felt after eating, his mother on the other hand should he put it? Fidgety maybe?

He could tell by the way she glanced at the door every now and then, the way she rubbed her hands together, and her movements as she cleared the dishes from the table were short and quick like she was just doing it to keep herself busy.

"Ma? What's wrong?" He inquired. His mother paused momentarily, and turned to him with a smile. "Oh it's nothing sweetheart. I'm just a bit worried about dad." Vaati's ears perked up at the mention of his father, whom had gone to the human town on business. Giving his mother a big reassuring grin he said, "don't worry about Dad! He promised he'd come back tonight, and Dad never breaks a promise right?" His mother laughed softly. "That quite true my dear." His mother came over to him and gently ruffled his soft lavender hair, before going back to what she was doing.

Just as he was about to head back to his room there was a knock at the door. 'Dad!' Excited to see his father, Vaati waited as his mother came over to open the door. What they saw wasn't quite what they had expected.


Shade: Yay for cliffhangers! Lol hope you're all somewhat enjoying the story so far!

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