Chapter Three

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I wake up on a mattress so soft, it feels like I'm floating on air. The sheets I'm laying on feel like silk on my skin. There is no way this could be my mattress at Alpha Jordan's place. That mattress was as hard as a rock with no sheets. So whose bed is this?

Suddenly, the events of the day come back to me, and I shoot up. Dylan immediately comes over and grabs my hand. Now that I have a chance to look at him, I realize how truly beautiful he is. His hair was chocolate brown, with deep brown eyes I could get lost in for hours. His cheek bones are so sharp they could slice my finger, and his muscles are defined through his shirt.

"Hey kitten it's okay you're safe here," Dylan says with a voice so soft I had to focus to hear it.

"What happened? Where am I?" I mumble, barely awake.

"You're in my bed, and you passed out due to blood loss," Dylan said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say as I look down at my at the bed.

"Oh love please don't apologize; it's not your fault," Dylan says as he uses his fingers to bring my face up, so I can look into his eyes.

"Now Hannah, I don't want upset you," Dylan starts making me gulp, "but the doctor found some odd things when checking out your injuries." I don't say anything, and I keep my head down.

"Kitten, you can tell me anything," Dylan says while rubbing my back.

"You're gonna get mad," I mutter keeping my head down.

"I could never be mad at you," Dylan says, "and if I get mad at someone else, I'll just leave the room."

"Well it all started when my parents were attacked by rouges. I don't know why. They didn't have any money or any valuables. I guess they were just hungry and looking for food. Either way, they killed my parents. However, my David and Marcy, the couple that took me in, got there before they could kill m. David and Marcy killed the rouges and took me in. I was two at the time."

"They raised me until I was ten. One day, the alpha came to my house, and he took me. He told me that my parents had been killed. Maybe I'm just bad luck. Anyways, the alpha had never liked me because he didn't want a human in the pack. He had become angry because his mate couldn't have kids, and I guess he took his anger out on me."

"I lived in the pack house, and worked as a maid. I cooked and cleaned, and normally everything was okay. However, whenever I would mess up something, like make the dinner late or miss a spot on the floor, the alpha would punish me. I guess I deserved it. If I had tried harder I guess he wouldn't of punished me."

"The punishments weren't that bad. Normally only a few slashes with the whip or a couple cuts with the knife. As long as I didn't scream, it would usually only last a couple hours. The worst ones were when the Alpha was really angry. He would beat me till I screamed and then punish me for screaming. I guess I should be thankful for him taking me in though. Without him, I'd be dead." I looked down the whole time I talked; however, I could feel Dylan shaking.
     He quickly left the room after I finished. I guess he got too mad. I don't see why though. I deserved it all. I am a bad person for leaving, but I couldn't take the pain anymore. I had totally lost my will to live.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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