Chapter 24

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The two girls did not talk the rest of summer, except for the day after; where Lauren texted Camila to apologize for coming in drunk. Lauren stopped drinking and going to parties, she didn't have the heart to go anymore. However, after summer ended and school began, they started to speak to each other again, since most of their classes were together and they did not want to talk to anyone else.

"Hey you," Camila said, whilst sitting in her seat for their history class.

"Hi Camz," Lauren mumbled, not looking up from her drawing, making the other brunette curious.

The younger girl tried to look over Lauren's shoulder to see what she was doing. That only led the older Cuban laugh and cover up her paper even more. After a few minutes of trying, Camila sat back down and pouted, knowing that Lauren couldn't stand when she does that. However, she doesn't even pay attention to her, she just continues her drawing, leading Camila to pout even more.

"And we're done," the taller girl blew some pencil shavings off her paper, then lifted it up for both her and Camila to see.

The younger brunette smiled at the drawing, "The sun and the moon."

"Oh wait, I forgot something," Lauren quickly placed the paper down and scribbled something near the corner.

Camila read aloud as Lauren wrote, "Love only."

When Lauren was done signing the drawing, she slid the paper to Camila's desk and smiled cheekily at her, "Happy Birthday!"

"Lauren, it's September," the brunette said, while picking up the drawing to examine it.

Lauren shrugged, "I know, but it's fun to say."

Their teacher walked into the room, making everyone stop talking and jump to their seats. The teacher grinned proudly and began the lesson of the day.


"Thank you for the drawing, Lauren. I'm so hanging this up in room," Camila had put the drawing in the front pocket of her binder, now, she was examining it again.

Lauren began to chuckle, "You're cute. I'll see you third period, bye Mila."

A blush started to form on her cheeks as she walked to her locker. When she got there, Dinah was already waiting for her to go to their math class.

"Why you so obsessed with me, D?" The brunette said when she reached her best friend. The blonde laughed and shoved her into her locker.

Camila was rummaging through her locker, looking for her journal.

"What the hell, Mila? We've been back for two weeks and you're locker is already messy?" The blonde looked at her with disgust.

"Oh shut up, like yours is any better," the older girl pursed her lips together.

"Be quiet," Dinah said, just as Shawn came up behind Camila and hugged her from behind.

"Hey babe," he said, trying to give her a kiss on the cheek, but she stepped out of it.

"Uh yeah, hi. Well, Dinah and I are going to class, I'll talk to you later," Camila gave a slight smile to him then grabbed Dinah's arm and dragged her to their class.

"What was that?" The Polynesian asked as soon as Shawn was out of sight.

"What was what?" The smaller girl said, pretending to be clueless.

"Mhm," Dinah hummed whilst giving Camila a look all the way to class. On their walk to class, Camila ignored Dinah's staring.

"Okay, cut the crap Walz, what's going on?" The taller girl said as both of them sat in their seats, Camila was about to shrug, but was stopped by Dinah. "I swear, if you shrug one more time, I will break off your shoulders."

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