Part II: Now I'm Confused

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It worked! But now my cover is blown. He'll be expectimg me now. I had been planning this fow a while, and all was going pretty well. Oliver hadn't found out yet, and I hadn't blown anything up yet.

Luckily, I was pretty sure that my 1p! had no idea how to open the portal, or if there was a portal at all... unless he had asked Arthur. But he couldn't have, because Oliver would have said something, right?

So now I find myself staring at the door again, wondering if I should try again, or if I should wait a little longer. This desicion shouldn't be as hard as it is, but my 1p is just so damn cute.

~*third person*~

While he sat there pondering, Matthew had decided that he was going to try and get to him again. Not knowing was driving him mad.

He grabbed the door handle, took a deep breath, steeled himself, and opened the door. Surprisingly, there was another door on the other side, and he opened this one, too.

When he looked inside, he saw his 2p(so england said they were called) sitting on the bed, seemingly deep in thought, staring out the window. Matthew stared for a few seconds before clearing his throat, alerting the other of his presence.

"SHIT!" he yelled, practicly falling over in his haste to figure out who was there. He grabbed his hockey stick and turned around to face his intruder. As soon as he saw who was standing there, he let out a breath of relief. "It's just you, chikadee." Then his face contorted in confusion. "How did you access the portal? Only I'm supposed to be able to do that."

"I-I'm not r-really sure. I just... I..." Matthew stammered, turning red and looking down, regretting his decision. Maybe if his 2p wasn't so attractive...WAIT. He wasn't supposed to feel anything towards this man- no, himself. But before his thoughts could wander again, the other started talking.

"You shouldn't be here. If Allen comes and sees you, he'll either kill you, or me. Or both," he said, approaching Matthew and pushing him back through the door. Matthew couldn't find it in him to resist, for he was still just stunned that he made it into the 2p world.

They both walked through the doors and closed them behind.

"Well, you may be wondering why I'm here. Where should I start?"


Sorry the update took so long to get out. My writing brain is super scattered and I cant pull it together.

anyway, ill take suggestions, so dont be shy!


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