Chapter 7

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We walked back downstairs and heard the boys clinging metal out in the garage. I went over and saw them trying to restore my dad's old comet. Lily and I decided to head down to the lake and go skinny dipping. We were swimming around when suddenly we heard the boys coming up the road. We headed towards the tree where our clothes were hanging, but they weren't there

"Where are the clothes?"

"I don't know. We had them right here"

"Looking for these ladies?" Josh had Lily's shirt in his hand raising it up proudly

"How'd you --- DAMIEN!"

"What?" He said coming from behind one of the trees close to the boys

"You! You took our clothes"

"The boys thought it would be funny"

"HA hilarious. Now give me my clothes back!"

"No, I don't think we will" Josh said holding Lily's shorts up

"You'll just have to come and get them" Jack said while swinging my boots

"No way! Not a chance, perverts" Lily said

"Then you're not getting your clothes back"

"I'm coming to get them then, but you better run after"

"What for?"

"I'm going to kill all three of you" I say

"Oh, what you going to do? Poke us"

"No! You're just not going to get what you want. The boys I can just get Aunt Jackie to come up with something"

"What is it that I want?"


"Please don't be like that! Guys, these girls mean business. You two give them their clothes back. I'll find a blanket or something for a dressing screen"

The boys gave me and Lily our clothes back and Damien set up one of the old quilts that grams used to have in her bedroom as a screen, so the boys couldn't see us. When I got finished putting my clothes on, I removed the screen and gave Damien a huge hug and a kiss. Lily was fuming mad, so she just kicked some dust up and started running back to the house.

"What's her problem?" Josh asked as he turned his head watching Lily take off

"You boys are so clueless when it comes to girls. She likes you, you idiot. She's been wanting you to ask her out for months now"

"I didn't know she liked me" Josh said

"That's the only reason why she insists on riding with you every Sunday" Jack said

"Well, I better get up there and ask her out then. You are coming, Jack"

"I think I'll leave these tow lovebirds alone"

"Thanks guys" Damien said

"No problem"

"What are you three up to?"

"I wanted to talk with you alone. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend"

"Yes but no sex until I'm ready"


"I need to find out if Lily is okay"

"Just stay here for a while you can talk to Lily afterwards"

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