Chapter 11

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We had been walking for miles with no general direction. I had no clue where we were. All I know is that he kept pulling me along the streets and walking down the alleys of New Orleans. After what seems like hours, we were in a wooded area. We were still walking on the streets but not many cars were passing by.

"Where are we going?"

"Damien trashed my car so we have to walk to our destination but If you want, I could carry you. I would be a lot faster. I'm only walking so you can keep up"

"I just wanted get a shower and get some sleep. We've been walking for hours and my feet hurt"

"Fine!" He said as he picked me up bridal style and ran with me in his arms. We apparently arrived at our destination because Marcus set me on the ground and began walking again. I looked around and noticed that we were in the woods. I looked up and saw an abandoned shack with a chimney right in front of us. I looked like a fixer upper but who was I to complain.

"There's a shower out back and I'll make you up a bed"

"You know you don't have to be nice"

"Fine! You'll sleep in my bed. Let's take a shower and then I'll eat"

"I hope you don't mean me. I've had enough blood drained from me this week, thank you"

"I knew my brother couldn't keep this up for long"

"What are you talking about?"

"He's only been eating bagged blood for a few weeks. I knew he couldn't resist the sweet taste of human blood"

"Shut up. You're making me want to throw up."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"What are you going to do? Hit me!"

"Yes" He said as he pulled his hand back a slapped me across the face. I went flying back across the room. Blood was oozing from my face

"Umm, you smell good" Marcus said sniffing the air

"You hit me which makes me bleed and all you can say is that I smell good?" I looked at him with a confused face

"You shouldn't have been smart to me" He said walking towards me and pulling me up from the ground

"Fine. Can I take a shower now?"

"Yes follow me"

We walked around the house and I noticed that he had an outdoor shower. There were double vanity sinks with a white porcelain toilet to one side. It had wooden shades around it for some privacy. The bath was just like the one that I had in my room at home. The shower on the other hand was an open area where you could see the sun setting in the distance. It had a brass shower head hanging from the roof of the back porch. I turned around to watch the sun go down

"That looks so beautiful"

"Just get in the shower so I can eat"

"You sure are moody when you're hungry"

"I am. Can I come in with you?  It would be much faster plus I have to get all this gravel of me from where Damien threw me into the tombstone"

"I don't think so! Just because I came with you doesn't mean I'm letting you see me naked!"

"I could come in whenever I wanted to. I was just being nice"

"No! Please! I've just lost everyone that I care about. Could I  be left alone for a little bit?"

"Fine! Don't try anything to escape. I'll be right inside"


I began stripping the dirty clothes from my body and turned the knobs for the hot water to spray out of the shower head. I stood under the water and let the warm water hit my face. I was standing there wondering what my aunt was going to say when she found out that I left town with a vampire. She knew that Damien was a good vampire but if she ever met Marcus, she would probably kill him. Then I wonder over what Damien is thinking. He's probably trying to figure out where we are and how he can save me for his brother. With so much thinking, I didn't noticed that the water started getting cold. I turned off the knobs and made my way towards the sinks. I noticed some clothes set out for me and a note on top of it.

Dangerous ThoughtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora