Chapter 6

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When I woke the next morning, Damien was nowhere to be seen. I went down in my old bedroom which the boys had it set up into the game room now. He wasn't there either. I wondered around the house until I noticed I could hear the water running in my bathroom. I got into the elevator and headed towards my bathroom in the attic. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hello, who's in there? I need to take a shower before Lily gets here"

"Come on in. The water is so relaxing" Damien said

"You better get out of there before the boys find out you're here"

"They left a few minutes ago"

"What about Aunt Jackie?"

"She already left for church"

"Well, I'm not getting in there with you. You're completely naked. Have you lost your mind?"

"No! Now, come on in"

"Fine, but if I feel one body part touch me, I'm chopping it off"

"okay. Get in"

I grabbed my jack Daniels tank top, a flannel shirt, my daisy duke shorts, and some cowboy boots and jumped in the shower. I was so surprised when I got in the spray of the shower and noticed Damien's chiseled abs and muscular arms. The water was dripping down his body giving him that glowing wet look. Damien began laughing and he must have known what had happened.

"I know I look good, but I wouldn't describe me as sexy"

"You read my mind, didn't you?"

"Guilty as charged"

"Uhh, so full of yourself. Forgive me, I've never seen anyone beside Josh and Jack naked before"

"You've seen Josh naked before?"

"Yes, once when he changed into a werewolf"

"well, that's interesting but you've never seen another boy naked before"

"This might come as a surprise, but you do remember I'm a virgin, so I don't have that experience"

"How come you've never had sex?"

"I told you last night that most of the guys here think I'm a weirdo"

"Well, you want to try that out with me?"

"Someday. Right now, I better be heading out. I've got to go riding with Jack and Josh"

"Can I come with you?"

"I guess. Lily is going to be with us too. She rides with us all the time. She has a major crush on Josh"

"She told me about that yesterday when we were walking towards the band room"

"What else did she tell you?"

"Mostly stuff about school and her. She didn't say much about you"

"I'm guessing you told her that you liked me"

"How did you know about that?"

"She told me about that during chorus roll call"

"Can I wash you off, so we can get ready?"

"I guess"

He took the loofah that I had hanging on the handle and began stroking my back to get it clean. I was washing my hair as he finished my back. Damien and I got out of the shower together and both began getting dress. He was wearing a band t shirt, levis, and some black combat boots. I grabbed some ray ban sunglasses and headed outside to see Lily's Volkswagen pulling in the driveway. Josh and jack were right behind her in the truck. Lily got out and I looked at her outfit. She had a camo t shirt, blue jean short, black converse shoots, and a Justin boots trucker hat.

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