Chapter 2

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I headed over to our meeting spot right in front of the girl bathroom vending machine. This is where me, lily, and phoebe meet in freshmen year. Phoebe was a friend of ours until she was run over by a drunk driver. She happened to be coming home from finding her boyfriend cheating on her with Elisha. She was so devastated that she didn't see the driver pulled out in front of her until it was too late. So, me and lily meet here every day for her memory. When I turned around to find lily, she was with Damien. I rushed up to them and gave Damien a crossed look before turning to hear what Lily was saying.

"oh, hey Alison. I didn't know that you met Damien before I did. You're such a cheater."

"I didn't want to meet Damien. I have no choice in the matter. There was only one desk left."

"Well I met Damien coming down the hall. He's a little chatterbox once you get to know him. We better get heading to class" she said as the warning bell began to ring.

"Great idea. We'll see you later. "I say as I begin to pull Lily towards the choir room. "Lily come on"

"we'll see you in a minute, Damien "Lily says as she waves bye to him. I pull lily in the classroom. I shut the door behind us and turn around towards her. I begin to tell her everything about him that I had found out.

"Lily, have you lost your marbles. Damien is a blood sucking neck biting vampire. I swear one of these days you're going to Get into trouble and I'm not going to be there to help."

"We were just talking. It's not like I was giving him my address. Anyway, doesn't even like me he seems to like you"

"Great now what am I going to do. He's going to kill me for sure."

"Keep stakes in your pocket and don't invite him into your house"

"I swear you never take it leaping seriously. I could be killed right now you'd think it was funny."

"this is the first guy that is interests you for a long time and not for your body"

"yeah but he's a vampire. I don't do corpses"

"I don't want to hear anymore. I want you to march your butt right back over there and ask him to sit with us at lunch"

"My own friend is trying to set me up with the vampire. What has the world come to"

"Move it, missy"

"I am moving but I'm not making any promises. Don't be so pushy."

I walked through the hallway that connected our classroom to the band room and begin to look around for him. I found near the piano and went to talk to him. Likely the band director doesn't care if the course students are in his classroom if they don't do much but sit there and read notes or watch movies.

"Lily sent me over here to invite you to eat lunch with us."

"it would be my pleasure Allison"

"well now that that's over I'll be heading on my way" I began to move

"no wait stay"

"I think we actually might be doing something in class today"

"you're not so stay"

"no! Don't force me remember"

"don't be so difficult."

"I'm leaving I don't have to put up with this. Don't talk to me like that again. In fact, I don't want you to sit with us anyway"

"miss Caldwell. Mr. Rivers. Do we have a problem?" Ms. Abney came from the chorus room and asked us pointedly.

"No, Ms. Abney. I was just coming back over to the classroom"

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