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And I'm not scared

Of your stolen power

I see right through you any hour...

"Niklaus, I think it worked"! I heard screaming coming from the room on the left.

I feel trapped like I can't get out, and it's not that comfortable. All I could do was walk and see where the talking was coming from, and ask them how I get out of here. My vision wasn't perfect, it looked like I was looking through a  camera lens.

I kept walking straight; each step sinking more into the ground. I tried to decrease the feeling by picking up my feet, but that only made me sink more into the beige carpet. 

By the time I got to the old wooden door where the talking was coming from I felt like I was six feet under. My feet were getting heavier, but I still could see the the door perfectly. Everything else besides the door was blurred out like I was a camera focusing on this one ancient looking door.

"There's only one way to test it". The sound of the door opening was blocking out what he was currently saying. 

The door was about to come in contact with my face, but just went past my nose. So I was just standing right infront of what looked like a guy from the past century. His dirty blonde hair hit his shoulders, and his eyes were a slight blueish grayish color. 

I was about to say something, but he just walked past me and headed towards what looked like a study. He went into the room and looked like he was trying to find something.

I followed him in slowly, since I felt like I weighed 500 pounds.

There was footsteps from behind me, so I turned around to find a little old women that had dark skin and gray hair. She had this look in her eye; that confused me.

"You know what the consequences of this is right?" The old lady questions.

I was still trying to figure out how I got here, but decided to listen in on there conversation for a little longer.

Nicklaus took a seat in a chair infront of a wooden desk, and just stared at the little old lady who was right beside me.

"And what would that be Ayana". He didn't look that interested in what these 'consequences' were. 

Who I assumed to be Ayana stepped forward and sighed. "There is now someone in this world that has your life in there hands." She looked quite serious about this, Niklaus started to pay attention at the words 'your life'. Who ever has his life in there hands I guess they should be pretty proud, because he looks pretty mad, to me.

The wrinkles on his for head disappeared when someone else appeared in the room. It looked like a teenage boy, that should be in high school, yet he's in the dream with me.

"Sir, I think we should find this person and kill them, it's the best chance we have, before something bad happens." The young boy commanded. There was fear in his eyes, he looked frightened at the man sitting in front of him.

Was he regretting what he just said? Who were all these people? And the biggest question How the hell do I get out of here.

Niklaus got out of the desk chair and walked slowly to the young boy; like a lion stalking his prey.

The boy was now shaking while Ayana was just standing there seeming to be in deep thought.

"And who are you to tell me what to do"! He raised his voice and that's when I noticed he wasn't American he was British. It sounded like the same accent I had, only a bit more... ancient.

Wreckless (Vampire Diaries)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin