Chapter Two

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"So that is everything! I know it's a lot to take in on your first day, but you'll definitely get used to it all." Max said gesturing with both hands toward the Michigan Union building. 

He'd completed the full tour I hoped I would get when I arrived here. 

"Thank you so much for showing me around...I'm sorry if I took up all of your time." I said to him.

"Actually, you gave me something to do..haha. I was just going to chill out in my apartment for the day. Or maybe the next 3 days..I'm feeling like going into hibernation." He said laughing. 

"Oh, you don't live in the dorms? Why?" I asked him

"Well, I'll be moving into my junior year here, so my dorm days are pretty much over." He said. 

"What do you major in here?" I asked. 

"Don't laugh..or think any less of me. Often people think that this will get me no where in life, or that I will never find employment, but I major in Musical Theatre. I've always loved the arts and I couldn't think of my life without them." Max said hesitantly.

"Are you kidding me? Musical Theatre is awesome. It tells me a lot about you, about our creativity and mind set. Your bravery and ability to not give a fuck...I'm sorry haha." I said covering my mouth.

"You're cool, I've been trying to hold my potty mouth tongue, but well....fuck it." Max started, "and thanks, I've never really had someone tell me something like that, especially when I tell them what I major in." He smiled. 

He walked me back to Betsy Barbour and we talked about how we grew up and the things we loved. I had made a friend on my first day here, and that was relieving. We stopped at the front fence of Betsy Barbour.

"Thank for everything again..I had a lot of fun!" I said.

"No Problem! Maybe we can meet up again sometime?" He asked with a questioning face.

"Yeah, Yeah that would be cool." I said smiling wide.

"Cool..well I'll see you later." He said as he started down the street.

 I started walking toward the Barbour front door, but then I heard someone call my name.

"Naiema!" I turned around and saw Max running towards me.

"Sorry..I realized I didn't have your number, and I couldn't meet with you again if I couldn't contact you. Here's my phone." He fumbled to give his phone to me as he caught his breath. I typed my number into his cell and saved it. I even added a picture just for kicks.

"Thanks...Okay see you later seriously this time." He laughed.

"Okay" I laughed.

I walked into Betsy Barbour and headed to the hallway to get to my dorm that I had not yet seen. All of my things were being delivered in tomorrow at North Campus, so for tonight, I'd be sleeping on a sheet covered mattress. 

I only had a backpack with a phone charger, change of clothes, a toothbrush, soap, and a washcloth, so tomorrow I could experience communal showering at its best. 

Fortunately, I was able to afford a single dorm due to my plethora of scholarships. 

I put my key card in the slot and the green light blinked for me to enter. I entered and instantly loved my space. It was small, but it was mine, and that's what I loved. I had a wonderful view of the street with the rose bushes. Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

I checked it and I saw that I had a text message from an unknown number. I unlocked and opened my IPhone and read the message:

I'm not obsessed with you, I just had a lot of fun tonight. Don't think I'm a creep - Max

I smiled and giggled a little at the message. I texted him back:

It's okay to be obsessed with I also don't think you're a creep. Note to self- save your number in my phone.

I pressed send. Almost instantly, my phone buzzed again:

Meet me tomorrow outside the Barbour house 10 AM. Go to breakfast with me?

I replied:

I'm sorry...I can't. I have to go pick up my things from North Campus and bring them back to the Barbour house at 9 AM. :(

My phone buzzed:

That's okay! I can help you out if you need it. It'll be hard to move everything from one campus to another.

I replied one last time:

Yes! Thank you! I'll see you at 8:30 on North Campus? You're great! Goodnight!

He replied:

No problemo, I'll see you at 8:30 on North Campus...Goodnight!

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