1. Cry Baby

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It was another day of hell. My friends all left me, so now I'm alone. They said they couldn't handle me anymore. But it isn't me, I swear. The problem is them... They just don't understand me.

As I walked down the corridors, the kids  pointed and laughed. They yelled "Cry Baby" over and over at me. Of course I cried. My heart is big, and I have a lot of emotion. I can't hold in my feelings.

I cried all day. Big. Cry baby. Tears.

I get picked on all the time. It's been that way my whole life. I was born a crybaby.

After school I went to the playground. I was having fun on the slide until the other kids showed up.

"Hey look! There's Cry Baby!" They teased.

They chased me around the park. One pushed me down on the side walk, and I scraped my hands and knees. I cried again, tears rolling off my cheeks. The other kids laughed and called me crybaby.

After that I ran home and tucked myself into bed. I cried until I fell asleep. I'm just a big crybaby...

Hey, sorry it's so short... Umm I just don't know what all to write. I mean it's about as much as you can get out of a 3 minute song soooo... Yeah. Hopefully future chapters will be a bit longer and better. I hope you liked it and I'll try to update soon. -T

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