Chapter 15. You did this

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"You want a divorce...... For real?" I questioned. He looked at the floor and started rubbing his hands through his hair.

"I mean things aren't working for us, I think it's the best decision for us right now" he said and I felt my heart break. "

"Are you really sure this is what you want Jai. You making this this decision makes me feel like you don't care about me, like you don't want me anymore" I said with a tear trickling down my cheek.

"Baby of course I want you, but we both know this isn't working, maybe if we get a divorce and take a little break then we can start all over" he explained and I found myself agreeing to this.

"I guess you're right. Let's get a divorce" I said and we walked inside. "Kai is on the floor with Alexis if you want him" I said then walked upstairs.


2 days later, Jai and I were sitting in my dining room with the woman who is going to un marry us. It makes me really upset that Jai is fine with getting a divorce. I feel like he can't wait to get away from me. I haven't really been myself he past couple of days, I really don't want this to happen but if it means no more fighting then I can't wait.

"Okay Mr and Mrs Brooks, please sign here on the form" the woman said handing us a clipboard filled with forms. I signed first then Jai did and we looked at each other smiling small. He rested his hand on my thigh and I covered his hand with my palm. "Alright, you guys are officially un married. Miss Grande, Mr Brooks, hope you both have a wonderful life and be happy" she smiled then I showed her to the door.

"Well I guess that's it. Were officially done" I said then walked in the living room.

"I'm sorry I chose this but I really would like to start fresh Ariana" he said looking me straight in the eye.

"Jai, I understand why you did it. But we would have been fine, I know that because we both love each other and no matter what happens we always forgive and forget. I don't know what made this time different or what I did to make you decided this but whatever it was, couldn't have been as bad as it's been in the past" I explained and he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat.

"I'm really sorry. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and it was a touch decision. I want to forget about all the bad shit that's happened in the past few years and pretend we don't know each other and do the whole dating thing over again. That's if you want to" he said and I thought about it for a moment before realising he's a smart guy. He's right, we could start from the very beginning and I would that.

"That sound perfect" I smiled. "But Kai is our baby, we can't fully start over. What am I suppose to do, pretend he's my little brother?" I asked.

"No, look apart from Kai, I want everything else to go back to the way it was before we ever started dating. I love you so much and I don't want us to be torn apart" he explained.

"Everything already has been torn apart Jai. You did this" he looked sad and I hate that I said that to him. He knows I'm right though.

"Maybe I should go, I know I've probably made you upset so I'll call you tomorrow okay?" He questioned. I nodded my head and got up to show him to the door. He gave Kai a kiss and cuddle before following me to the front door. "So what happens with Kai?"

"Well you can have him 3 days a week and I'll have him the other four days" I said and he agreed. "He'll stay with you Sunday through to Wednesday, then I'll pick him up during the day and have him the rest of the week" I explained

"Alright sounds good" he said. "I don't want you to think I hate you because I don't. I'm still in love with you and I'm gonna try my best to be a better guy than I was before. I promise I'll treat you right if we ever decide to be together again. No more cheating, no more pointless fights, no more lies alright" he said and I nodded.

"You better be right Brooks. Because I love you too" I kissed his cheek but he tilted my head and started kissing my lips. It was a slow passionate kiss that lasted for what felt like hours. It wasn't an ordinary kiss, it had meaning, I felt sparks, just like I did the first time I kissed him. Maybe starting from the beginning is a good idea after all.

Yasss, only one more chapter left. Obviously it's not the best book series I've done, Bad Decisions was the first book I've ever written (the first book to this series) and I had no clue what I was doing. The writing is really bad and I hate that I didn't take my time with it. Please read my book series "BAD BOY" both the books are completed and people are telling me they love it so much and I would really appreciate if you guys checked it out. P.S. It's a Jariana story 💜💜💜

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