Chapter 5 - Breaking Down

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I stood up as the nurse stood in the hallway. "What bad news" I asked while tears spilled out. "Your son is.... He doesn't have long to live" she frowned and looked over at Jai who sat down on the floor burying his head I'm his hands. "W-what" I stuttered. "I'm so sorry" I was confused. "I thought he was okay, he just needed the treatment" I half yelled. "Yes, and part of the medicine you have given him was not working at all, he's gotten worse and he's not gonna get any better" she gave an apologetic look. I cried and Jai stood up to give me a comforting hug. This day couldn't get any worse.


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This can't be happening, no, my son isn't gonna die, he's gonna be fine. This is what I keep telling myself. I heard Ari talking with the nurse, I decided to get up and give her a hug, just to let her know that I'm still here for her through everything. I need to see Noah. "Can we go in and see him" I asked the nurse and she gave me a smile and told us to follow her.

He was awake and looked happy. "Hey buddy how are you feeling" I asked as I sat on the chair. "I'm great daddy, I missed you" he smiled and it just broke my heart that he won't be here for much longer. I won't be able to teach him how to play footy, or ride a bike, or pick up chicks, or be there on his wedding day, see his children. I won't be able to watch him grow up. That's when I burst into tears.  "Daddy, why are you crying" he asked and I tried to stop but it just kept getting worse. "He just missed you" Ari said as she rubbed my back. "Oh" he giggled. "I can't do this" I said then stood up and walked out the door.


Jai is a mess, I can't believe he walked out. "Where did daddy go" Noah asked. "He just went to get some food" I replied then walked out to see how he was holding up. "I'll be right back" I said and kissed Noah on the forehead. "Bye mummy"

He stood at the window down the hallway. I slowly walked up behind him and he turned to face me. "I'm so sorry Ari" he said and I gulped. "I've been a terrible father, and husband" he continued, then sitting on the ground. I went and sat next to him. "Don't appologise, this is all my fault" I said while playing with my fingers. "No it's my fault, I should have been with you that night, instead I was outside drinking with the guys" he replied. "Look, I wanna be apart of your life, but this kid Justin is playing with you, and I don't like it. I think we should just be friends" he said which made me get a lump in my throat. "Jai please do-" he cut me off. "We took things too quickly, we weren't even together for that long. I should have waited to propose" he explained. I feel like my heart got ripped out. "I-I understand" I said and got up, heading to Noah's room. "Ari wait" Jai called but I didn't even want to hear what he had to say, because in the end, it still wouldn't make him change his mind about us.


I can't see him right now, I thought I could deal with it but I can't. I just want to bash his face in. I walked around the hospital for a little, then decided to go to Starbucks and get a coffee for me and Ari. After about 20 minutes, I decided it was time to go back. I knew Jai would be there, but there was nothing I could do.

I walked through the corridor on Noah's level and saw Jai sitting down crying. "What's wrong" I asked not really caring. "What isn't wrong" he snapped. "I've destroyed my marriage with the love of my life, my brothers hate me, and my son is dying" he cried. "What" I yelled. What does he mean by Noah's dying. I raced into his room where I saw Ari on the chair, holding Noah's hand while crying. "Uncle Luke" Noah yelled and went to give him a kiss in the forehead. "Hey what's up dude" I smiled. "Mummy's been crying for a while" he frowned. "Can I talk to you" she asked while wiping her tears.

We walked out to the corridor and she took a deep breath. "Noah, d-doesn't have ve-very  long to li-live" she stuttered. I felt my heart breaking, I burst into tears and gave her a tight hug. "Why is this happening" I yelled.

-------------------I cried while writing this chapter

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I cried while writing this chapter. I'm sorry of you didn't want this to happen, I didn't either but I had to create drama. Please vote and comment, next chapter will within a week. 💜💜💜

Torn Apart - (Book 3) COMPLETED!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora