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Keaton’s POV

That evening I sat in front of my laptop at 3am in the morning. It was around 8pm back in Cali and I was excited to talk to Marley. I hit video chat when soon we were being connected; I was going to see her. I was so happy that I might have squealed which was quite odd. In a matter of seconds I was face to face with Marley again. She looked a little off, and I was a concerned.

“Hey Babe” I smiled.

“Hi Keaton, what’s up?”

“Nothing much, I’m just you know, tired…”

“Oh, I’m sorry do you want me to Skype you tomorrow?” Marley asked.

“No, no. it’s okay, but uh… are you okay? You’re acting a little strange?”

Marley broke eye contact and looked away, I knew something was up.

“Marley, is everything alright?” I asked a little worried.

A tear slid down her face as she wiped it away and turned to the camera again;

“Keaton I have to be honest…. It’s about Luke, my dance friend… he uh, he kissed me. We were hanging out and suddenly his lips were on mine and I freaked out and left as fast as I could.”

My heart broke then I was instantly filled with anger,


Marley cried some more and apologized over and over again,

“Keaton I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry. I don’t care if you hate me, I deserve it!”

“Marley I don’t hate you, I hate that Luke guy. If he lays hands on you again I’m going to knock the daylights out of him.”

“Keaton stop, don’t do that. Plus he could probably win, I’m sorry baby but you know how you are, and I love you this way. I don’t want you to be superman fit, you are already my superman” Marley smiled wiping the damp tears.

I wished I could have been there to hold her, but I was thousands of miles away. If I was to go home it would feel like forever. Seems like yesterday we were running around town together, this place just ain’t the same. I miss the stormy weather… I guess it’s just…I’m not okay; you know?

I cracked a small smile and whispered,

“I will be back before you know it. I miss you Marley…”

I closed my laptop and went to sleep. A few hours later I woke up to see a little video chat bubble on my laptop. It was about 6am, but over in Cali it would be midnight. I wonder why Marley was calling me at that hour. I sat in bed with a smile but all around me seemed cloudy, it was kind of like nothing was real. I shook it off until the screen shocked me. What I had seen made my smile fade and I was confused. I was watching Marley sleeping in her bed; she had her phone beside her on her pillow when I heard something in the distance. It sounded like stones against a mirror or glass. Then I saw Marley wake up and slide out of bed to her window, she was wearing black Pj shorts and a purple V-neck Tee. Her long hair tied back and she was without makeup. She was gorgeous. Marley lifted the window and was met face to face with a guy with dark black hair and green eyes. I was confused until I saw him kiss her; my heart broke again watching them kissing over and over again.

“Luke, stop. I have a boyfriend!” she giggled as he sat down on the bed beside her. He put a hand on her thy as she blushed,

“Do you really want a boyfriend who is never around? Always traveling and being famous? I bet he has cheated on you dozens of times already. Though if you were my girl… I would spend every waking minute pleasing you with kisses, gifts, and love. He will never be half the man I am; he will never be good enough for you. You deserve better than him, you know that babe. You know you don’t really care about him anymore. Why would you? He is childish and famous; he will have a new girlfriend in a matter of seconds. He could try to replace you in seconds ad any girl would be willing to take your place. Why would you go for someone like that when I can give you everything you want?” Luke said to her kissing her cheek.

“You are right Luke; he has never been around lately. He never has treated me as well as you do. My heart has been aching for you Luke, please free me from that immature attention seeker” Marley muttered kissing Luke.

“No Marley, I can’t believe it! Stop, stop kissing him!” I yelled to my screen.

Suddenly I was sitting in a motel room wearing black clothing and a white tie on the edge of the bed. I looked into the mirror to see myself aged by about 10 years. I looked pretty much the same, just a little older. Suddenly a voice called,

“Keaton darling can you come here?”

“Marley!” I yelled running to the room to see a girl with dark black hair and blue eyes.

“Are you still hung over you ex-girlfriend? I told you it was a bad Idea to go to her wedding today! If you don’t want to go then you don’t have to baby!”

“Who the hell are you, where am I, and where is Marley?” I yelled to her.

“Keaton, I’m your girlfriend Cora, we are staying at our motel room since we can’t afford a house and Marley is probably getting ready for her wedding in a few hours!”

“Well where are Wes and Drew?”

“Uh Keaton are you feeling alright? Don’t you remember anything? After you three got in a fight after releasing your last album you called the band quits and left. Drew got married to a peace activist in Niagara Falls; Wes had that unfortunate car accident and sadly passed away 4 years ago. After you had your gambling addiction and alcohol addiction from finding out your Girlfriend broke up with you because you were never around. You lost all your money and 9 years later you found me and we moved into the motel room.”

“What? This can’t be. I Love Marley and I love my family! Without Wes, Drew and Marley I am nothing! I have to get her back!” I yelled running out of the door. Soon I walked up through the front doors of the church and yelled,

“I OBJECT!!!” just as Marley and Luke were about to kiss.

Marley ran to me in her dress, looking gorgeous as always. Not a single sign of ageing appeared on her face.  

            “Keaton how could you ruin my wedding day, I love Luke have you ever thought of that? Please leave me alone! You should have said yes to come home for the Halloween dance. You never were around, and I deserved better! Good bye Keaton!” she screamed pushing me to the ground.

I woke up with a jolt to find myself lying in bed, I shuddered while looking around. I was young, on tour, and in London. I pulled out my phone and texted Marley,

‘I love you Marley, I never want you to leave me. I will be home for Halloween; I will do anything to be with you. XOXO ~Keaton’

I hit send and put my head down on my pillow once again, knowing it was true. I really DO love Marley. I hope she realizes that...

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