Good Byes are Hard

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(Super short, i'm sorry!)

Marley’s POV

We hung out at their house when Keaton smiled brightly,

“I have an idea!”

“What?” I asked curiously.

“Well you know how you have always wanted to go to France right?”


“Well since I can’t take you today how about we enjoy some French food?”

“Really, that’s sounds cool!” I smiled as Keaton took off.

A few minutes Keaton came back with a big picnic basket smiling like a little kid,

“You ready to get your picnic on?”

“Aw, a picnic, that is so sweet!”

Keaton guided me outside where we followed the path through the make shift forest trails. After a while, we arrived at a spot in the forest; Keaton pulled out a blanket and we sat down. I bent over the basket and pulled out a long baguette, how was he storing that in there? I pulled it out and swung it over my shoulder hitting Keaton in the nose.

“Ouch!” Keaton groaned holding his nose.

“Oh gosh I’m so sorry!” I gasped putting the bread down.

“I’m okay, it’s just sore” he muttered.

I looked at him with a small smirk as he moved his hand from his nose, a small drop of blood hung in his left nostril.

“Oh Keaton, your bleeding” I said grabbing a napkin.

I grabbed a napkin and he smiled,

“Thanks Mar.”

I blushed as he pulled me close, I dabbed the blood silently. We just smiled, I was kneeling over him and he sat cross legged. The silence was so wonderful, I just felt like the two of us. No crazy fans, no fame; for a second It felt like a normal relationship. I was it was like this all the time.

Though I know it won’t be like this; well… not for long.

After an hour we ate and left the spot back to the house, everyone was getting packed up.

            I can’t believe Keaton was going on tour and not coming back for a whole month, it was killing me inside. Knowing I would not see him made me a little sad, but I’m not getting clingy. It’s just the fact that he might find someone better and forget about me is the only thing. I’m not nearly as beautiful as lots of girls, so maybe I’m just a bit too insecure about myself. Just knowing thousands of pretty girls will be with him, and I’m just average. I’m just afraid of losing the best thing in my life, my rock, my other half. I’m just insecure you know?

Few hours later we headed to the airport and we all said good bye for the final time in a whole month. I gave him a long gentle kiss before parting with him; I smiled though a tear slipped.   

He smiled softly as he rubbed the tear away with his thumb,

“I’m going to miss you Marley, I will Skype you as much as I can. Even if I have to stay up until 5am I will. I love you Marley…”

We kissed one last time as he left towards his plane.

So this was it, so this was really it. The last time I would get a soothing kiss, I feel like half of my heart was gone.

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