Chapter I

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Sally Jackson was expecting to have a normal day.
Well, at least as normal as it could be when his nineteen-year-old son was visiting, which didn't happen too often.
Her son, also the son of Poseidon and hero of two great profecies, was Percy Jackson, and as remarked, he was the son of the sea god. She usually had to remember herself this, to stay away of her own reality. Though, the one she was living in was just as messed up -if not more- as the one she used to live in.
When her son visited, she would bake blue cookies, his favourites. Although he was nearly ninteen years old, he still liked them as much as he did during his childhood. She usually had to remember herself that too; her little baby was already an adult. It was hard to believe, though, when you have seen him since his beginings as a baby, and it was hard too, to see how much he has grown up during those last years, having matured more quickly than most people do.
She sighed. Trouble seemed to follow her and her family everywhere.
She didn't know what was about to come, there was no way of guessing it.
Sally was adding blue colorant to the dough, not really concentrating that much on the preparing of the cookies. Yes, she wanted them to be perfect, but she cooked them so many times she didn't have to stop to think what to do, it came out naturally.
Soon she put the cookies in the oven and turned it on. She removed her cooking gloves and left them over the kitchen's table. She took a look around the house, as she did when she had nothing to do, and her gaze landed on a framed picture on one shelf. She walked over to it and took it up. She never got tired of watching it.
The picture had two brown haired people, a man and a woman, both of them in their late twenties. They were married, and if you didn't know it you would have noticed by the way they were looking at each other lovely. The woman's eyes were an impressive green, and when she was alive, those green eyes used to change with her mood, and the man had warm blue eyes. Anyone would have said Sally and him were siblings, but in real they just met in America, when the three of them were young adults. The picture was originally black and white, but the woman decided it was too boring and decided to paint it with her amazing skills with the brush, ones that Sally used to compliment all day. She smiled sadly, as the memories of her deceased two best friends surfaced in her mind. Their names were Jim and Laura Jackson. Jim was her boss in a work she had had before, and when he discovered she was homeless, he and his wife decided to take her in, as a guest. The next three years had been amazing, and by the end of them she had already bought an apartment in Upper East Side Manhattan. Then, a fateful day, the marriage decided to go on a trip to Spain. The next day she saw in the news that a plane had fallen, and that all of the passangers have died. Later that day, she had called the Airplane Company and they told her which plane has fallen, and it was efectively the flight that Laura and Jim Jackson were in. She later legally changed her surname to Jackson, to honor the first friends she had had in the Unisted States.
She looked at her watch. There was still half an hour until the cookies were cooked.
She gazed at the picture once again before sighing and putting it down, in its usual place at the shelf.
She was about to turn aroundd when a sudden 'CRACK!' surprised her. That didn't mean anything good.
"Hello, Black. Long time no see."
She stiffened at the cold greeting. Slowly, she turned and faced the man standing in front of her as she opened the drawer where she kept her most powerful weapon: her wand. Alder, thirty centimeters, flexible, unicorn hair.
"It's Jackson now," she corrected "Also, Sirius told me about you."
She turned around and looked down, disgust evident in her blue eyes.
The rather short creature standing in front of her -who she refused to believe was human, although she knew him for a long time-, had a ratish like aspect, with his large front teeth and his lack of hygiene. He was dressed like a vagrant, and his dirt contrasted with his pale skin. He was bald, although she recalled him having dirty brown hair. His pale blue eyes, which used to be full of cheerfulness were now dull and watery.
"I'm surprised you contacted Sirius," he commented "He broke out of Azcaban recently."
She snarled.
"Yeah, I know, where you put him, traitor son of a Hag!"
Peter Pettigrew snorted.
"I guess I am, aren't I? The traitor part, I mean," he corroborated "But you, from all witches, Sally Black, you, aren't in the best position to say that. You aren't too loyal for a Hufflepuff, you should have been in Slytherin."
Sally's right hand was still squirming through the objects in the drawer -which were a lot more than she thought-, until it touched the known texture of her alder wand. She quickly grasped it.
"Well, that's something we might have in common, Pettigrew," she retorted.
She then lunged fowards, pushing the short man to the floor, the sudden action causing him to yelp in surprise.
She pointed his wand at him, but before she could pronounce the stunning spell, he yelled, "Crucio!", while pointing his wand at her.
Luckily for her, she had quick reflexes, or she would be convulsing on the floor -which she didn't really like doing. She rejected the unforgivable curse with a quick, yet powerful "Protego Horribilis!"
Pettigrew stood up and pointed his wand at her, only to see she had it pointing hers to him as well.
"Not so bad," he admitted. "I thought you'd be so dusty after all this time, Black."
"Jackson," she growled.
She remembered Peter from her times in Hogwarts. They were at the same year. He had been part of the Marauders, a group of ultimate prakers. She had admired him and the other three boys as well. They had been really smart, funny, and creative in her eyes. She sometimes had gotten the chance to talk with them, being one of Sirius' not hated cousins, the other one being Andromeda. Sally didn't remember Peter as this, not at all.
"Expelliarmus!" she yelled, catching the man off ward.
His eyes widened and he attempted to deflect the spell, but it was too late. His wand came flying towards her and she kicked him on his chest -which, mind you, wasn't hard, because of his low stature- and sent him tumbling to the floor once again.
Sally put a foot on his chest and pointed him with his wand. She was about to knock him out with the stunning spell, when she was interrupted yet again, but not by Peter.
"Mom?" asked an astomished voice coming from the door frame.
Her eyes widened. Oh, no.
She twirled around ans saw her confused and flabbergasted son standing at the doorway, staring wide eyed at the scene before him. Sally couldn't blame him. It wasn't everyday you came home and found your mother was stepping on a really short and rattish-like man, pointing a wand -or a stick, as Percy didn't know what a wand was- threateningly at him.
"Look, Percy..." she stuttered. "I-"
She was stopped, however, when Peter morphed into a rat, making her stumble fowards, since she had put a lot of weight on her foot to prevent him from escaping. Peter the rat climbed up her leg and she tried to shake him off, but before she knew it, he was already at her arm.
He bit the hand where she held his wand, and she let it fall, yelping at the stinging pain. She grabbed hold of her bitten hand and saw that the rat had put his wand between his big teeth, and soon after that, he apparated away.
Meanwhile, Percy was staring dumbfounded at his mom, as she muttered strange curses. Did she just say Merlin's stamped underwears?
"Mom?" he repeated.
His mom looked up to him.
"Percy," she said, and he could swear that for a moment she saw fear in her eyes, although it was replaced by the usual determination not even a second after. "We need to talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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