Ocho P2

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I walked over and saw that they raised their heads up.

I said shyly, as I waved.

"Hi, I'm Briana."
She extended her hand.

"Hi I'm Jacqueline, Javier's friend."
I said while shaking it.

Just then the other woman sitting next to Briana spoke.

"Hi I'm Irene."
She said.

"Hi I'm Jacqueline."
I said again.

"So what brings you here ?"
Said Briana.While Irene just listened in.

"Javier invited me for his practice."
I said .

"Well I'm just here to watch my husband, Andres ."Briana said.

"You are married to Andres Guardado?"
I said shocked.

"Yeah, you didn't now that?"
She said as she giggled.

"No, cause I just met you!"
I giggled.

"What about you Irene how are you married to?"
I said.

"Hector is my husband."
She said with a smile.

I said.

Irene said.

For a minute there was some
silence.And then.

"So you and Javier are just friends?!Because he looked at you, like if he was in love with you. I'm just asking, I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable.
Asked Briana while smiling , and Irene just sat there smirking.

"I-I..."I could feel my skin getting hot and red .Oh god this was a hard question, and a very awkward question for me.Did she really have ask that ?"I don't know."I managed to say, my face now red as a tomato!

"What do you mean you don't know?!"
Asked Irene.

"Um well... I mean he did kiss me and calls me princesa."But I don't know.
I said quietly.

As soon as I said that "ooohs"came out of their mouths.

"Looks like someone might be crushing on you."
Briana said.

Said Irene as she opened Instagram on her phone .

"You really think so?"
I asked.

"Of course, he is never like that with a girl."
"Briana said.

Added Irene.

"He definitely likes you."

"Defin.."Irene said when Briana cut her off."Will you stop that?"Asked Briana.

"Okay, fine...whatever.
Irene said.

I just sat there laughing at their behavior.

"You know we should have a sleepover."
Briana suddenly suggested.

Me and Irene said.

Chicharito & Me ( Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now