Puppy or Kitten? ~ 13 + Character Q&A*Closed*

Start from the beginning

"Wait." Cesar spoke, grabbing hold of Gabriel's hand and pulling him back. Gabriel was awfully tired and didn't want to deal with this at the moment, but let the older boy continue.

"Can I talk to you?" Cesar asked, his face gentle. Gabriel felt bad saying no, so he sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, go on." He huffed, his hand still in Cesar's grip. Cesar bit his lip, scratching the back of his head.

"W-well, I meant like, back at my dorm." He averted his eyes away from Gabriel's his face nervous.

"Really Cesar? Right now? Can't this wait till the morn-" Gabriel began.

"Please, Gabriel. Just for a bit and then I'll take you upstairs to your room." Cesar pleaded, his eyes gentle and kind. Gabriel couldn't decide if this was a facade or Cesar being genuine. He sighed and looked at Cesar.

"Fine. But only for a little." His face was a little irritated, but Cesar didn't mind, he was just happy Gabriel agreed to talking to him in the first place.

"Alright, great." Cesar smiled and led Gabriel back to his dorm on the third floor. Once the two made it, Cesar opened the door, letting Gabriel go in first.

"Where's your roommate?" Gabriel asks, standing in the center of the room, noticing the empty bed.

"He, uh, went out." Cesar chuckled, closing the door.

The truth was, Cesar had asked him to stay at his friend's dorm for the night. Although Cesar had bumped into Gabriel by accident, he was planning on finding him anyway.

After heading to Gabriel and Sawyer's room to be told by Sawyer that the boy went out with Ramiro, Cesar started towards Ramiro's. He was hoping to bump into Gabriel, and just by chance, he did. And now they were in Cesar's dorm.

"Sit down." Cesar stated, patting the spot on the bed beside him. Gabriel sat down, his legs dangling over the edge of the bed.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I want to talk about," Cesar began, looking at Gabriel. The boy nodded, knowing very well.

"Gabriel, listen. I'm really sorry. I've been a total douche to you since the day we met and it's not who I am. I'm never like that and I feel awful for treating you like I did." He said, holding his face in his hands.

"I understand." Gabriel nodded, moving back against the bed. He was really tired and his eyes kept drooping closed.

Cesar continued to speak, explaining himself to Gabriel, telling him how he felt and how he just couldn't wait any longer to call Gabriel his.

"Can you forgive me?" Cesar said softly. He waited for a response before turning to realize that Gabriel had fallen asleep. He had curled into a ball on Cesar's bed, his breathing slow and steady, his face calm. Cesar laughed lightly, finding it absolutely adorable the way Gabriel's nose twitched, or the way his mouth stayed parted well he slept.

He knew he should wake Gabriel up and take him back to his room, but did he really want to? He knew for a fact that Sawyer had cuddled with Gabriel, so would it be wrong for him to? He thought about his options. Cesar groaned, knowing that if he climbed into bed next to the sleeping boy, matters would only get worse.

"Hey Gabriel, why don't we head back to your room, yeah?" Cesar spoke softly to the puppy-like boy. Gabriel's eyes fluttered open and he reached up to rub them. He gave a small nod, still half asleep. Gabriel reached out with grabby hands like a small child, asking Cesar to carry him without actually asking. Of course, Cesar didn't say no, picking the boy up into his arms. Gabriel's arms immediately wrapped around Cesar's neck, his legs around his waist. He let out a sleepy yawn, nuzzling his face into the crook of Cesar's neck. Cesar held Gabriel close, rubbing small circles on his back to lull him to sleep. He made his way out of the dorm, heading to Gabriel's dorm. He really hoped Sawyer would be awake so he didn't have to wake Gabriel up to unlock the door.

Cesar climbed carefully upstairs, hoping the slight rocking kept Gabriel asleep. When they finally made it to Gabriel's room, Cesar knocked lightly, waiting for an answer. There was some slight shuffling heard from inside the room before the door opened.

"What." Sawyer said, his voice sounding irritated.

"Shh! Don't wake him." Cesar spoke softly, carrying Gabriel pass Sawyer and over to his bed. Sawyer rolled his eyes but followed him over to the bed.

Cesar placed him down, Gabriel instantly curling into a small ball again, staying asleep.

"He's so cute." Sawyer said, mostly to himself, but knew Cesar would agree.

"Yeah.." Cesar said, looking at the sleeping boy. Cesar stroked Gabriel's hair gently.

"Night, Puppy." He said softly

"Alright, now get out." Sawyer turned to Cesar, pointing towards the door.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm leaving." Cesar huffed, heading towards the door.

Cesar left without a goodbye, Sawyer closing the door as he walked away. Once gone, Sawyer walked back over to Gabriel's bed, admiring the sleeping boy.

"I'm such creep." Sawyer laughed humorlessly, walking back to his  bed, climbing under the sheets.

"Night, Kitten." He said before turning over and falling asleep.


Once again, Cebriel or Sabriel? Or in other words, Puppy or Kitten?   

Any who, I'm going to be doing another Character Q&A! I'm going to leave the characters below and leave a comment beside one to ask them a question.





Pilot(Me, the author)-

Leave your questions! Any questions asked beyond August 6th will not be answered. Answers will go up August 7th.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ^-^

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