Say Hi to the Shy Guy ~ 1

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The scene in front of Gabriel was too much for his little heart to handle. The three ladies all with tear-stained cheeks stood in front of him, all dreading the moment they'd have to depart. It hurt him to see such sorrow in thier bloodshot eyes. Just looking at his mother's and best friend in this state made him want to break down.

"I-It'll be o-okay." Gabriel stammered, desperately trying to comfort the women.

"Oh Gabriel!" Priscilla, Gabriel's best friend, choked out. She lunged towards Gabriel's tiny figure, wrapping her arms around him lovingly.

This was Gabriel's last day with his mother's and Priscilla. They may not be too far apart but it was unusual for Priscilla and him to be away from each other for more than a day.

Priscilla reluctantly pulled away from Gabriel, allowing him to hug April and Elizabeth.

"We'll miss you so much, Gabriel. We love you." Elizabeth lightly kissed the small boy's forehead, hugging him one last time.

Gabriel watched as the only people he truly loved in his former hometown walked away, entering the car with the license plate from New Hampshire. The car turned around, leaving the boy with his suitcases in front of his new school.

He didn't move, only watched until the car was completely out of sight.

He counted the seconds it took for them to disappear from sight.


The boy took a deep breathe, dreading the thought of this school. But he really had no choice. It was either the constant bullying or possible loneliness from not making any friends.  He'd take loneliness any day.

He finally worked up the courage to turn around, bags in hand, and walk towards the front doors. The other students going to the school were surrounding the lot, saying their goodbyes. Standing outside of the school, he admired the beautiful brick work and tall structure, reaching four floors in one building. The school held quite a lot of students, despite being private, and the building was huge. Gabriel walked as confidently into the school as he could, going to the front desk where a lady was sat typing away at a computer, busy checking other boys in to their rooms and assigning roommates. Gabriel stood in the line, aware of all the stares he was getting from the surrounding students. But he was used to it, so he ignored it, fixing the pale pink scarf around his neck. 

He eventually made it to the front of the line, the frazzled looking lady continuing to type, barely looking up.

"Name." She asked, but it came out more as a statement.

"G-Gabriel Bloom." He stuttered nervously, his already high voice coming out in a squeak.

"Sweetie, only the students attending the school should be in the lobby right now. Go get your brother or whoever it is." She glanced up briefly, not processing that he was a student.

"Miss, I am Gabriel." She stopped typing, peering over her glasses. Her eyes scanned the blue-eyed boy over a few times. The realization was apparent on her face.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Uh- Gabriel. Your roommate is Sawyer Beckett." The boy's cheeks flushed in slight embarrassment at the mistake. She handed Gabriel a key to his room and a map of the campus; one of the building with the classes and the other with the dorm rooms. The buildings were connected by the dining hall, making it especially easy to travel to classes in the winter. Gabriel was happy about that; he got sick easily and the cold air would not help.

Without another word, Gabriel bowed his head down, not making any eye contact with anyone as he walked with his baggage to his destination: Level 4, Room Number 467.

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