That's Where Romance Is

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"Exactly Blaze. So I sell drugs and I'm affiliated in this gang, it helps. The Boss is really generous; he really looks out for us." My ears perked at the mention of Brian, now we were getting to the good stuff.

"How long have you known this Boss? Like, how close are you to him?"

"He met my Dad in Florida like a decade or so ago. He's pretty close to my Dad so I would see him sometimes. He noticed that we were struggling and asked if I wanted to help. After that I got in and now I'm the second in command."

"Wow," I said, sitting up, acting shocked. A worried tremor flashed across Jax's eyes and he sat up too. His queen sized bed squeaked under our added weight.

"You can't tell anyone Blaze. People can die, I can die. No one can know about this." I could tell he was experiencing genuine fear so I nodded to reassure him. This was only a taste of information; I was going to be getting a lot more soon.

"Are you coming to the club tonight?" I asked Jax, placing my hand against his broad chest and pushing him back against the bed. He fell with a huff and a sexy smile stretched to his face.

"Clyde seems to be getting popular quickly. Everyone is going, so yeah I'' be there tonight." Jax notified me. Placing his hand up he stroked my cheek softly. I fought the urge to cringe away and instead leaned closer, bring my face to his. It was a promising kiss, a promise of which I did not know. He moved his lips against mine roughly but softly, and the way Jax held on to my neck, lightly but firm, sent me a message that I couldn't decipher.

"I can't wait." I said against his lips before diving back in.


"How much money do you have?" I asked Brooke while placing the key into the ignition of Jay's car. I bet you're thinking 'I finally talked to him!' but no- I didn't speak to him to get access to his car, I made Brooke ask if we could borrow it and I of course got a yes because everyone loves Brooke.

"I have half a million." Brooke informed me, taking out her card.

"I got about a million that I could spend," I responded, taking out my black one. "So we cut that in half and we get 750,000 each. That's a good amount for me to get a couple of dresses and heals." I stated placing my card back into my wallet and starting the car. I glanced back at the Brenalds house, seeing Jay walk out shirtless and in sweats. He was probably about to go jog. I looked away.

"Why do you need dresses and heals? You're normally in sweats and sneakers Blaze." Brooke asked, sitting back in her chair and pulling out her phone.

"My Dad is making me go to a lot of events and I need clothes to match the fancy rich people."

"Why are you starting to go now? Your Dad used to let you stay home. Why the change?" I side glanced at Brooke before looking back at the road. I didn't know what to say to that. I couldn't tell Brooke what was really going on. But, I knew she was starting to know the changes in my behavior. The only time I left my house was to go to a party or the supermarket. I rarely even liked to go to the mall. I had everything at home, I had a gym, three kitchens, my own room, a TV room, I basically had everything I needed to survive. There was no need for me to leave my home. But lately I had been going out more. I've been going with my father to his business dinners and events and to the Underground to train and have meetings. And of course Brooke was noticing all of this.

"I met a guy." I finally said and Brooke gasped.

"Do you mean you actually like a guy? Like you have actual feelings?" She practically yelled, jumping up and down in her seat.

Scarred Bloods (#2 Confused Cliche Love Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora