Much Like It?

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  I wake up and see that I'm on the floor, with a blanket wrapped around me. Bex was laying next to me, snuggled into my back.  "Did you have a good nap?" She asks as she pushes some hair out of my face. I nod and smile as I lightly kiss her nose. "You?" "It was well, until you fell off the couch." She says and smiles. I look up at her confused. "Yeah, you sorta rolled off the couch. But you were so beyond knocked out, you just slept on the floor. So I joined." She says and smiles. I nod and smile and roll into her chest. "Bex?" "Yeah baby?" "What if someone figures us out? Will it get you fired? Or sent to jail?" I ask, looking at her. "How old are you love?" "17, in 3 months I'll be 18 though." I say. "Then we'll have to keep it on the down-low." She says and smiles. "What about your job?" "I don't know babe, but that's a risk I'm willing to take."  "But I don't want to cost you your job Bex." I whimper. "Listen to me Ryder, you wont. If it does get out, then it'll stay between the people on the set, at least until you're 18 and if you wanna tell people, we can. Okay baby? I wont let anything happen." She says with sincerity in her eyes. And I feel myself fall even harder for her. I know I shouldn't get so attached, but I am. I lean in and kiss her lips happily. I roll on top of her and she wraps her arms around my waist. I smile as my tongue grazes hers and suddenly there's a knock on the door. We both jump back and I quickly roll of Bex as she gets up and opens her trailer door. "Hey sis, can I come in?" I hear Lana ask. Bex looks over at me and I smile and nod. Lana walks in with a furious look, but that's just her Regina look. Lana sits next to me on the couch and smiles. "How has everything been?" Lana asks looking at Bex sitting on the other side of me, pulled into her side. "It's been good. We've gotten really close." I say and Bex puts her chin on my shoulder. "Oh good! Much like mother and daughter?" "Yes." Bex and I say at the same time, a little quickly. Lana gives us a weird look, both at Bex and I's red cheeks which only adds to the suspicions. "Much like we even say what the other is thinking!" Bex giggles nervously. "Riiight. Well, Adam wanted me to come get you two. Be on set in 3 minutes." Lana says. She rises and smiles at Bex and I as she leaves. As soon as she closes the door, I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. "That was close. Maybe this is harder than it seems to keep on the down low." Bex says and I smile and shrug. "Lets get to set before I tackle you with more kisses." I say and hold her hand as I get up with her and walk out the trailer door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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