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  I wake up and feel an empty space beside me. I hear Bex humming from her bathroom, then hear the movement of water. I figured she was taking a bath. I sank into her sheets as I remember what all happened today. She practically knew me like the back of her hand, and I was slowly learning about her. I love learning about her. She's my favorite mystery. I hear her bath water draining and I lightly close my eyes again. I hear her come back into the room and she sighs. "Oh Ry." She whispers, barely audible. I fight back the urge to open my eyes, worrying that I'll scare her. "I just wish I could tell you how much I love you. How I see you. How you're an absolutely amazing, wonderful, beautiful girl. My amazing, wonderful, beautiful girl." She whispers. "I love you." She whispers as she sighs and walks out of the room. I barely open my eyes and whisper, "I love you too." I close my eyes and roll my face into her pillow, muffling the whimper as I get a lump in my throat. *She just loves you as a friend. Nothing else. You're nothing else to her. You're nothing to everyone.* My mind hisses. I hear Bex come back into the room and sit on the bed, facing me I assume. "Ryyyydeeeerrrrr." She sings quietly. I grunt, knowing that's all I can manage. "Are you awake sweetie?" She coos. I put the pillow over my face and grunt. I hear her giggle, and my heart melts. "It's 5:30." Bex whispers. "What time did we say we would be there?" "6" I shoot up, nearly hitting Bex in the face. "Really?" I squeal. Bex has a scared expression and nods. "I-I didn't think you needed to bathe or anything, and I already have one of your  outfits for you, I just figured-" I cut Bex off with a giggle. "Bex, that's sweet. Honestly. I appreciate that you got things together for me." I whisper and grab her hand. She smiles lightly and nods. "Anytime daughter." That stupid word, constantly reminding me that I'm just her daughter. Just her friend. We both get up and get dressed. Bex looked casual yet beautiful in jeans, a sparkly short sleeved shirt, a black leather jacket, and converses. I looked simple in a plain black t-shirt, jeans, and my new black and white tennis shoes. I sit on Bex's bathroom counter as she puts my hair into braided pigtails and does the same to her hair. I watch her apply light make-up, that I didn't think she needed. After she was done with that, we brushed our teeth and head out to her car. It was 5:50 when we got into Bex's car. "Oh we have plenty of time to get to Lana's house." Bex squeals.

  At 6:10 we pull into Lana's drive way. "Yeah, plenty of time." I say rolling my eyes and unplugging my phone from the AUX cord. "Oh please, she'll be fine." Bex laughs. We walk up the driveway to Lana's door and Bex knocks. I hear light footsteps coming down the hall, then the silhouette of Lana. She opens the door, without a smile. "Hey sis!" "Get in here." Lana says, almost as intimidating as the Queen. "I'm sorry we're late, I accidentally took a lot of time to get ready." Bex says. "It doesn't matter! You knew I had dinner for you!" Lana snaps, making me jump a bit. "Ms. Lana, it's not entirely Bex's fault. I overslept and I took quite a bit of time getting ready." I say. Lana comes close to me as she says, "Who says you could call me Ms. Lana?" She asks. She leans in close to my face, her Evil Queen smirk on her face. "It's Ms. Parrilla to you." She says. Then Lana laughs. It's sexy yet scary. Her low voice echoing in the house, and Bex smiles. "I think you scared her enough Lana." Bex says as her and Lana embrace in a hug and Lana gives Bex a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you sis!" Lana says and Bex nods. "I've missed you too! But I missed this food more!" Bex says and runs into the kitchen. Lana and I laugh at Bex and we follow her into the kitchen, which were brown and black colors. "They aren't my favorite colors, but we wont redo the kitchen till my husband and the boys get back from their guy vacation." Lana says and smiles. "What colors are you thinking about?" I ask. "Red walls and cream cabinets. I don't want anything pure white because-" "It's so easy to get dirty. Yes Lana, we know." Bex finishes and Lana rolls her eyes. "Oh shut up. Lets go ahead and eat." Lana says as she pulls out the lasagna and puts it on her dark wooded table. We say a prayer before we eat, and then dig in.

  Never have I ever tasted anything as amazing as her lasagna. I always heard everyone talk about it, but until you tried it for yourself, you never understood. But, not only the lasagna was amazing, but how happy Lana and Bex made me feel. We talked about funny moments on the show, and one of Lana's personal favorites. During Season One of the show, she smoked, her and Robert did. But, Lana made improvements to stop smoking, revealing it on Twitter. She said, "After I posted that on Twitter, Robby commented 'TRAITOR!'". That made all three of us laugh so much that we couldn't even eat for a bit, trying to catch our breath back.  I never ate much, but here I was, finishing my second big piece. As I finished, Lana sighed and put another piece on her plate, her third piece. "Lana, you don't have to eat all of this. Lets save some for Fred and the boys." Bex says. Lana shakes her head and smiles. "Can't sis. I'm eating for two." Lana says smoothly. I choke on my lemonade and Bex drops her fork.  "You're...eating...for...two?!" Bex squeals. Lana smiles brightly and nods, rubbing her belly. "Oh my God!" Bex yells, excitedly. She runs over to Lana and hugs her tightly, and looks down at the small bump. "Oh my gosh! You're going to be the best mum ever!" Bex squeals. Lana nods and has tears streaming down her face, happy tears. Lana looks over at me and smiles as I give her a small hug. "I promise not to tell all of the Evil Regals." I say and we laugh. We sit a few more minutes and talk about Lana and the baby. "Well if it's a boy we decided we're going to name him Mason Davis, and if its a girl, Alessandra May, Alice for short." Lana beams. "Those are beautiful Lana." Bex says and I nod in agreement. We talk again for a little bit about how Lana revealed it to Fred, which was through Lana finding a pair of old white baby shoes that she used to wear, and said, "These will look good on our little babe." And held her stomach. He was so surprised and happy, he cried. We all smiled and looked again at Lana's tiny bump forming. "Well, I am so happy for you two! I've gotta get my daughter home though so we can go into work early tomorrow for some extra shooting and I personally have to do some Amazon shopping for my little babe." Bex says, rubbing Lana's stomach again. "I'll see you two later, it was good having you over and getting to know you more Ryder!" Lana said, genuinely. "It was good to know more about you Ms- I mean Lana. Congrats!" I say again as we head out the door, and down the driveway to Bex's car.

  We get into her car and I see that somehow I missed 16 texts from my sister and 5 calls. "One sec Bex, I gotta call my sister back and see what's up." I say. I call her back and she picks up the phone on the third ring. "Ryder! Oh Thank God! Are you okay?" She asks. "Yeah, I'm okay! What's happened? Are you okay?" I ask. "No. It-It's Dad. He's here." That set ice in my stomach. I feel my legs quiver with fear. "Him and some other guys. They wont leave. Dad said he wants to see us without Mom interrupting us. They've been here for an hour. They think the house is empty, but they still wont go! Lillian and I are in the bathroom, but we're scared. I can't call the police because then obviously someone will get away and I just want out of here!" Emiley whimpers. "Hey it's okay Em. What do you want me to do?" I ask. "Come here and distract them." That sends fear and ice through my veins. "What do you mean distract them?" I ask. "I don't know, but I cant force Lillian to stay here, in case they break in!" Emiley hisses. "But Em, what if-" "Ryder the only real 'what if' here is what if he hasn't taken his meds, he's got a round of gangsters out there, he breaks in, and takes advantage and abuses Lillian and I! I cant let that happen to her!" She cries softly. "But Em, that's what I'm afraid of, I don't want it to happen to me either!" I say, exasperated. "Ryder, you better come down here. Nothing will happen to you. I don't even care if you call the police. I'll see you in a little bit." Emiley says and hangs up. I sigh and put my phone down and run my hands over the top of my hair. "Ry, are you okay?" I clear my throat and ignore her question. "Bex, I need you to do something for me." I say, looking at her seriously.

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