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After a lot of shooting, it was 5 pm and we were done. I sighed, completely exhausted. I got to meet my baby look alike, and she did look like me. Bright blue eyes and a head full of red hair. Just like Rebecca too. Or did I call her Ms. Mader? I sighed as I walked back to costume/make-up/ hair to change back into my clothes and go home. I was walking home, my house wasn't far from the studio. I lived in a small apartment, just a couple blocks from one of the major hotels. I threw on my shirt,  jean jacket, jeans and shoes, and my beanie and grabbed their trailer door handle. "Oh, Ryder!" I heard a voice call out. I turned around and Rebecca/Ms. Mader was walking towards me. "Hi!" I say and smile. "Hello dear, are we still up for coffee?" She asks. I giggle and smile. "Yeah, just let me call my sister." I opened the trailer door and stepped out into the slightly warm air. I called Emiley and she picked up within a couple rings. "Heeeeeey Ryder, about me picking you up.." She started and I smiled. "You don't need to, me and the new mother are going out for coffee." I say and smile. "Oh good, because I wasn't coming anyway. Lilian's here." She says and I hear my sisters girlfriend say hey in the distance. I smile and nod. "Thanks sis." I say. "Anytime. Hey, mom wont be home tonight, so if you come in and you hear a lot of moaning, don't come into my room." She says and I can see her smile. "Ew Emiley! I don't want to know about your sex life!" I say. "At least I have one." She says. I roll my eyes and say "Goodbye. I'll see you later." "Bye baby sis. Love ya." She says. "Love you too." I say and hang up. I turn around and Rebecca/Ms. Mader is there, smirking. "I wouldn't want to know my older siblings sex life either." She says. I immediately blush and look at my shoes. "Don't worry dear, it's okay, I wont judge. "Which coffee house are we going to?" I ask as we hop into her black car. "The local one, just a couple blocks from here." "Little Coffee Home?" I ask. "Yep! I hope that's alright." She says and looks at me with concerned eyes. "Yes ma'am it is!" "What did I say about calling me ma'am?" She asks and smiles. "I'm sorry, it's just common respect where I come from." "It's okay dear, and I love how respectful you are, just wait till I'm 80 to call me those things." She says and smiles. "So, I guess calling you Ms. Mader is off the table?" I ask. "Ms. Mader is my mother, you can just call me Bex. Or mom, which ever you prefer." She says as she starts up the car and we head to the Little Coffee Home.

We park in the small parking lot and head inside. Not a lot of people were in there, so we ordered. I got a medium hot chocolate and a slice of banana bread while she got a large decaf coffee with no cream or sugar and two slices of pumpkin bread. We chose a table with tall barstools and sat down as we waited for our food.  "So, tell me a bit about yourself." She says as she cups her face in her hands and her big blue eyes stare into mine. "Well, my name's Ryder, I'm 16, I have an older sister Emiley and I don't have a good relationship with my dad and neither does Emiley but we're forced to go down there every other Christmas and for 2 months over the summer." I say and look back at Bex. "I'm sorry sweetheart. Is he just not a good father?" She asks. "No, not really. But, I don't want to get into all that." I say as our food arrives. I get my hot chocolate and banana bread and she gets her coffee and pumpkin bread. She sips her coffee and smiles. "Mmm, black, like my soul." She says and giggles. Her giggle sounded just like mine. "Jokes on you, you're ginger, you don't have a soul!" I say and we both laugh. "So tell me about you, Bex. What's your life?" I ask. "Well, my parents have me and my older brother,  and when I'm not out here working, I'm facetiming my niece." She says and smiles. "Aw, hold is she?" I ask. "5." She says. "That's so adorable." "Do you have any small children in your life?" "Yeah, when I wont be here, working, I'm babysitting three adorable little girls." I say and feel my heart smile. "Oh how old are they?" "8, 5, and 4." I say and finish off my banana bread. "Oh that is absolutely precious! Do you like kids?" "Oh yes, I will babysit at anytime for any kids!" I say and smile. "That is so sweet." She says as she flips her long hair behind her. "Woah girly, it's already 7! We should head home!" She says. I finish off my hot chocolate as she finishes her coffee and she hooks her arm in mine. "We're off to see the wizard." She starts, "The wonderful wizard of Oz!" I finish. She smiles as we get back into her car and I give her directions to the hotel. "Well, I'm glad we got to spend time together, and I'm glad I got to meet my daughter! I wouldn't want any other." She says and gives a heartfelt smile. "Thanks mom! You're pretty cool yourself!" I say and she parks the car. She pulls me across for a hug and I sort of tense up. Hugging isn't something I'm into. "Oh dear I'm sorry, I didn't think-" "It's okay Bex, I just wasn't expecting it." I say and giggle. She smiles and I get out. "Thank you, for everything." I say and smile. She nods and says "See ya tomorrow daughter!" "See ya mom." I walk to the hotel doors and make sure her car is out of view. I turn around and head back to the trailer and I open the door. I don't hear anything, so I assume Emiley and Lillian were asleep. I turned to the small table in the kitchen and jump back. "Lily! Put some clothes on!" I yell as I close my eyes. "Oh sorry Ry, didn't hear ya come in. And be quiet! Em's sleepin!" She says as she puts a glass in the sink and walks back into my sisters room. I shake my head and go back into my room. I change into pj's and slip under the covers, ready for tomorrow.

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