Back to Work

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    I open my eyes, not even realizing I had fallen asleep. I wrap my arms securely around Bex, she didn't yet know how much I loved to cuddle. Bex holds me to her, her hand on the middle of my spine and her long fingers of her other hand brushing some hair back. "hello love." She whispers. I smile and snuggle back into her chest. "I uh-I think I'm ready to go back to work." I say with a small smile. "A-Are you sure? No one really knows what happened, and I don't want-" "It's good no one knows what happened, I don't want people to treat me differently. My story is that I was sick and I got taken care of and got better and here I am. Please, can we stick to that?" I plead. Bex stares then sighs. All the characteristics of a caring girlfriend/mother. "I guess babe, but I'm going to be with you as much as I can be, I want to make sure nothing happens to you." She says as she holds my hand then lightly kisses my knuckles. I blush a bit and smile. "Thank you baby. C-Can I call you that?" Bex giggles and nods. "Of course you can. You can call me anything you'd like." She says and smirks. I laugh and nod. "I'll remember that. So when do they need us back?" I ask. "Well." Bex says as she checks her phone, "He said anytime you feel better, we can both come back, so I guess we can freshen up and I'll text Adam?" She suggests. I nod happily, ready to be back at work. "You can go ahead and bathe and stuff, and yes, you can borrow some clothes baby." Bex says with a smooth tone. I hug her and jump off her bed and walk to her bathroom. I don't even bother looking in the mirror. Now, I take a scolding bath, enough to burn me. I submerge myself and cry out in my mouth, but never let it escape. I sit in it and bathe as long as I can take it before I get out, and see that my once pale white body was now a lobster colored body. I quickly throw on the clothes Bex laid for me and rush out, throwing on my jacket I had thankfully grabbed. "You can fix yourself some lunch if you would like, or we can eat on set, it's up to you." Bex suggests. I shrug and smile. "I think I'll just eat on set." I say. She smiles and nods. "Okay, I'll be out soon love." Bex says and kisses my nose. I lay down on her bed and turn my phone back on. I have multiple missed calls and missed texts from Emiley, and finally I simply text her back. "Last night was painful. You didn't even care what had happened to me. Bex was the only one who was actually there for me. You were selfish. You didn't care about me, just Lillian. Which I guess I saw coming from how much you ditched me to be with her. If you ever have a true emergency, call me. Other than that, I don't need you, mom, or dad in my life anymore. Goodbye Emiley. Thank you for teaching me independence." I type out. Finally, I hit send, and block her number. She has me on facebook, instagram, and twitter, and I have no doubt she'll harass me there, but for now, I am content. Bex comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her hair and body. I smile as I admire my beautiful girlfriends bare face. How her eyes glimmered, her cheekbones sharp, her lips full. She looked...perfect. "You want to watch me do my hair?" She asks and giggles. I nod and jump off of her bed and walk back into her bathroom and sit on her counter, like a daughter admiring her mothers routine. I watch as Bex screams to some music while I hold her speaker that lights different colors, and after she brushes her hair we talk a bit and finally, we're both ready. We hop into her car and drive over to the set, once again screaming song lyrics.

    Once we get to the set, I'm greeted with a huge hug from Lana. "Oh Ryder, we were worried! You were sick for so long, we missed you! How do you feel?" She asks, genuinely concerned. I smile and nod. "I feel a lot better. Bex really helped take care of me." I say and smile again. "Awe that's sweet. Bex always plays doctor on the set, checking on everyone and making sure they have everything they need to get better. Especially when Jennifer suffers from migraines. Anyway we're glad to have you back!" Lana says and gives me another small hug. I hug her back and quickly rub her tummy. Lana then hugs Bex and quickly kisses her cheek, and I feel a little flame of jealousy, but push it back down when I see the look on Bex's face. I smile a bit as I lightly grab Bex's hand and whisper, "I know it didn't mean anything." I say and she smiles and kisses the top of my head. It takes minimal time for me to get my hair and make-up done, as Ginny, Lana and I will be doing a scene while Bex is getting her witch look on. I walk into the Mayors office where Ginny greets me with a happy surprised look. "Oh Ryder! You're back! We've missed you so much!" She says as she gets up and squeezes my arm a bit. I never realized how tight-knit the cast was until now. I laugh a bit and smile. "Well, here I am!" "Oh Lana and Jennifer will be so excited to see you! They both haven't stopped talking about you!" Ginny says. "Well I already saw Lana, but not Jennifer yet." I say and sit on the black couch next to Ginny. "You'll see her and Josh in the next scene, she'll be so happy!" I tense up at knowing I have to see Josh. Last night, or the night with Ricky, none of it was his fault, just...the thought never leaves I guess. I still smile, knowing I'll have Jennifer there to protect me. Lana bounces in with Eddie and Eddie smiles at me. "Great to have you back Ry! We're so glad you're feeling better. Today we will film the scene where you go over what happened with Mayor Mills, and you will get to confront Zelena, but Snow and Emma put some pieces together and realize you're her daughter. Sound good?" Eddie asks. The three of us smile and nod as we get into our set positions. "Alright everyone. Lights. Camera. Action!" Eddie yells out.

*"What did the witch do now?" The lady in the scary red dress barks. "She tried killing this girl here, all because she threw coffee at her." Snow says. "Well I'd be mad too if someone threw coffee at me!" The woman mumbles. I sit nervously and uncomfortably on the couch, just wanting to get away and go to a house somewhere and sleep. Snow sighs. "Reg- Mayor Mills, we have to get this sorted out. We cant let Zelena keep doing this." Snow says. Mayor Mills presses her lips together and makes her way towards me. "Hello dear. What's your name?" She asks a bit smoother than when she was talking to Snow. "I-I'm Goldie. Goldie Locks." I say. "Great, now we have to call animal control for bears soon." Mayor Mills mumbles. "Why are you called Goldie Locks if your hair is red?" Snow asks, diverting my attention from Mayor Mills. "Well, I always wanted blonde hair, it was prettier. So I just assumed the name Goldie Locks, hoping that a miracle from Heaven would come." I say sincerely. "That's lovely." Snow says and smiles. "Wonderful. So did you break into this womans home too or-" Mayor Mills asks but I sharply cut her off. "I aint like the stories. I don't break into places for comfort. I break in for survival. The three bears? I was desperately hungry and in need of rest. I'm not a nosy little girl. Or a thief. I was in danger." I say sharply, then sit back a little. Mayor Mills looks a bit surprised, as well as Snow. "Okay, Goldie Locks has a bite to her. Lets get her down to the station so we can confront Zelena. I need to talk to her privately anyway." Mayor Mills says. Her, Snow and I walk out the door, down the stairs and across the street to a small jail part. I walk in and see the blonde haired woman who helped earlier, and a man I'm unfamiliar with. "Regina, should we go ahead and send her to the ward?" The man asks. "No Charming, I need to talk to her privately anyway. Hello Emma." Mayor Mills says to the blonde woman. "Hi Ms. Mills." She says boldly. "Hey Sis!" The woman behind bars says. Mayor Mills straightens herself a bit first and turns. "Hello Zelena. Good job on messing up on only being out a week!" Mayor Mills says and crosses her arms. Zelena shrugs. "The brat got in my way! So I have anger issues? Must run in the family!" Zelena says closely to Mayor Mills. "Uh, speaking of family Regina." Charming says, "It turns out Goldie here is Zelena's....daughter."*

"Cut! That was perfect! Alright everyone! You can go on break!" Eddie calls out and claps. Before I know what's next, Jennifer has me in an embrace. "Oh kid, I missed you! I know we didn't talk much but I did miss you! How do you feel?" She asks. I laugh as I come back from the hug and nod. "A lot better, especially from everyone's kind words!" I say and smile. "Well, it's always sad whenever we don't have our usual's on set, even when we haven't known them long! It was good to see you!" Jennifer says and smiles. Bex comes back around, looks around quickly, and kisses my cheek. "That was great babe! Why don't we go back to my trailer and rest a bit, and then get something to eat?" Bex asks. I nod as we walk hand in hand to her trailer, where I flop on the couch to sleep, but not before feeling Bex's protective arms around me.  

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