Chapter 29: The Proposal

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Hello my dah-ling readers! This is the last, yes, LAST chapter of MMM. There will be an epilogue, hopefully up shortly, because I don't want to leave anyone hanging and I like ending everything for my own satisfaction too. :) Please pretty please read the author's note at the end too :)

So, can you believe it? The LAST chapter? I certainly can't! I had now idea when I started writing this in June how big MMM would become, with over 20,000 reads (and counting!), and countless votes and comments from you ah-mazing people! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT AND LOVE, IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME! <3

Without further ado, here is the final chapter of "My Marine Man".

Chapter 29

*Three months later*

Zoe's P.O.V.

"Thank you all so much, that was a truely wonderful birthday party," I say, scanning the crowd-my coworkers- around me.
The party starts to break up, and I head out of the office. The fall air is crisp and refreshing after being inside all day. Humming "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music, I walk to my car, admiring the leaves changing color on the trees surrounding the building. The fresh air invigorates me, and I decide I'll go running as soon as I get home.
The car ride is longer than I want it to be. Rush hour traffic is horrible around here. When I finally get home, I change quickly. There's a birthday dinner at Amma and Pa's tonight that I can't be late for, after all, I am the guest of honor.
After I recieved the job offer from Mr McMann a few months ago, things happened pretty quickly. Nathan got his base assignment for Houston, Texas the next day. We decided mutually to do our own thing for a while, but staying closely in touch, like a long distance relationship. We both realized we weren't ready for anything else but that. So I took the job in Maryland, and Nate moved to Houston for six months. While I enjoy my independence here, especially with a job I love, I miss seeing him every day. I miss running with him, and going on dates, and kissing him whenever I want to.
For my jog, I make my way over to the path I discovered a while back, a little oasis of nature in the great, steely city of Baltimore. Bending over, I comfortably touch my toes and hold for thirty seconds, then stretch up, reaching for the sky. I start programming my watch as I walk forward aimlessly. It's not working correctly today...for some reason it won't reset to zero!
"You damn thing!" I mutter under my breath.
That's when I walk into something. Hard. Losing my balance, I struggle to regain it until I'm steadied by a strong force cupping my left elbow.
"Some things never change, do they, Zoe?" a familiar voice asks.
It can't be.
I look up. And up. My eyes finally rest on a chiseled jaw line, baby blue eyes, and a military haircut that I've run my hands over countless times.
It is. Nathan's here!

Nathan's P.O.V.

She stares up at me in disbelief. I can hardly believe I'm here myself...these past few days have been a whirlwind of activity, trying to get everything in place in time.
"Nate? How did you...? How did you...?"
I chuckle at her surprised expression. "Does it matter? I'm here, so don't just stand there, hug me or something!"
I envelope her in my arms, and I marvel once again how perfect the fit is. Gosh, I've missed it these past few months. Looking down at Zoe's smiling face, feelings stir inside me and I assure myself that I'm making the right decision.
"Happy Birthday, by the way," I say softly, then lean further down to kiss her. "C'mon, let's walk."
Taking her hand, we stroll side by side through the colored trees. We're quiet, absorbing the autum scenery.
"Zoe, I..."
"Nate, I..."
We start at the same time, then giggle nervously. Some guys will never admit to it, but we do get butterflies in our stomaches for beautiful girls that we care about.
"Go ahead," I say.
"How long are you here?"
"Only three days. The Marines can't let their new acting major be on leave for too long."
"Ohmigosh Nate you got promoted? When?" Zoe turns to face me, face full of excitement. I'm pretty excited about moving up in the ranks faster than I thought, but this promotion also led me to a big decision that I'm even more excited-and nervous- about.
"I got the news Thursday, but the official ceremony is next Friday."
"I'm so proud of you!" she exclaims throwing her arms around my neck.
"Do you think you can come to the ceremony?"
"Even if I can't, I will...I'm not missing this for the world babe!"
"Ok," I say, chuckling at her enthusiasm. We resume walking, and then I remember what I came here for in the first place.
"So, uh Zoe?"
"Um, that wasn't the only thing I came here for, you know, to tell you that," I stammer, well aware that those butterflies are now a herd of buffalo. But looking into her eyes, I remember that this is the woman I love, and the buffalos calm down. A little.
"So," I begin, not sure how to start.
How do you put your feelings into words, when you aren't even sure what they are?

Zoe's P.O.V.

Nate's stammering, fidgiting, and overall being the exact opposite of his normal, confident self. Something's up.
"What's going on, Nate? What else did you want to tell me?"

Nathan's P.O.V.

I decide to just go for it.
"Zoe, I've been doing some thinking. This past year with you...gosh, I can't even describe how happy I've been. You're smart and funny and beautiful and passionate-those are just a few of the many things I love about you. I love the way your nose crinkles when you're thinking. I love that you have to wear those ratty old socks to bed everynight because of a childhood susperstition. I love that you can't leave home without chapstick, and that you refuse to eat peaches because they're hairy. But as much as I love you Zoe, I can't be your boyfriend anymore."

Zoe's P.O.V.

Oh God. He's breaking up with me. Again.

Nathan's P.O.V.

"I want to be more than that."
Dropping to one knee, I continue,
"Zoe, will you marry me?"

Zoe's P.O.V.

I literally cannot breath. I can't see, either, because my eyes are steadily filling with tears. While this was the last thing I was expecting, I know exactly what to do. My heart, not my mouth, provides the only word I would think of uttering at this moment. Gazing down into Nate's eyes, I say,
"Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!"
I jump into his arms, and soon I'm floating in the air, seeing the fall colors blend together as I spin. He lowers me a little bit until I'm at eye level with him.
"I love you," Nate smiles.
"I love you more."
"I bet you don't," he mumbles into my lips.
Our lips mold to each other's, sending tingles from my head to my toes. It's magical. Pure joy envelopes me when I begin to realize what's happening. I'm going to marry Nathan!
That's when I start to laugh. Uncontrollable, obnoxious, loud laughter. I detach myself from his arms, and walk around in circles, clutching my sides, trying to catch my breath.
"Life is never going to be normal, is it?" I say with strained breath.
Nathan looks on in amusement. "No, not with us. We get settled into a routine..."
"...Then someone comes around upsetting the apple cart by moving cross country or proposing..."
"...Or going to Iraq..."
"...Or having deep emotional conflicts..."
Now we're both laughing.
"I guess we're doomed to have interesting lives," he says when we finally catch our breath.
"Yeah, too bad for us," I respond, gazing up at my finace.
My fiance!
I move up on my tippy toes, trying to reach his face. He leans down to help me, but just before our lips meet, Nate pulls back.
"Almost forgot," he smiles, as excited as a kid on Christmas morning.
Reaching into his jeans pocket, he pulls out a note.
"This is from your grandparents," he says, handing it to me.
I carefully unfold it.
"Congratulations," it starts. I immediately realize what this means.
"You asked permission, babe?"
My heart feels like it's going to burst.
"Yes. I figured it'd be important to you, knowing that they're ok with it." He pauses. "Actually, they're elated. You grandmother wants to know when her first great grandchild is going to arrive."
"Oh good heavens Amma," I say in mock annoyance. Nate laughs.
"I told her not to count on anything too soon."
I smile at him, imagining our future life together. I can just picture little Serthers running around, with the same blue eyes as their father. Looking down at the note in my hands, covered in Pa's destinctive scrawl, I realized would not be nearly as content without it.
"Nathan, thank you so much for this, it means everything to me, really."
"You know I would do anything for you."
I nod, knowing it's true. Nate fumbles for something else in his jean pocket, finally pulling out a tiny black box.
When he opens it, I gasp.
"Does it look familiar?" he questions.
It does, in fact. I recognize the ring from somewhere, but I'm not able to place it.
"It's your mother's, Zo."
"Really?" I ask him, running my fingers over the detailing and precious rocks.
"Yes, but now it's yours," Nate says softly, lifting it out of the box and sliding it on my fourth finger. He holds it up, and places a butterfly kiss on it.
"Happy?" Nathan asks me.
"Top of the world," I respond, rising up to kiss my love, my best friend, and my fiance.

I'm crying, everyone.

I seriously can't thank you all enough, especially @justwriteandlove for all the suport she's given me throughout everything! Love you weirdo <3

Oh, should I enter the Wattys? :) Plus, I put a picture of Zoe's ring on the side :) I love it! (hint hint to my future husband)

See you all soon in the Epilogue, don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE!

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