Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"Who?" I asked. Shit, this can't be happening.


"This is my friend," I jumped in, finally waking up, "James."

He grunted behind me and took a step in front of me, standing possessively and protectively as he examined Todd. It was a contrast that I hadn't yet considered. James was a full head taller than Todd and more leanly muscled than him. His dark hair and piercing eyes clashed with Todd's blond surfer look. I never thought Todd could look so...dull.

"And who are you?" James asked even though I knew he already had an idea.

Todd straightened up his back, trying to match James height. "I'm her boyfriend, Todd."

"I'm James," he reached out and shook his hand.

"Her friend," Todd raised his brow and took pleasure in James' displeased look.

"Very good friend."

"Okay," I interrupted, "James and I have to go on. We're having dinner with Sphinx and Rayne," I lied and then took James' arm and pushed him down the aisle in the opposite direction of Todd.

As I went to follow him Todd took me by the waist and kissed me full on the lips. James grabbed my arm and pulled me next to him.

"Bye, Todd. Nice meeting you." Then he pulled me with him and as soon as Todd was out of sight I slipped out of James' grip.

As I examined my arm, I knew it would bruise—I didn't care. "God, that was awful."

James growled and when I looked up into his eyes, I was genuinely worried. He needed something to punch.

"James, baby?" I placed my hands on his shoulders and ran my left hand up his neck to cup his face. "Calm down."

He gazed down on me and growled once more, but his eyes softened as I rubbed my thumb into his cheek.

"James, please, calm down," I pleaded.

He closed his eyes then all of a sudden I was pinned up against the canned vegetables and his lips were on mine. His tongue possessed me and I let him take the lead. He needed this, so I just let in. And, boy, was it a ride.

He tore away and kissed down my neck, nipping at where he would mark me. "You." Kiss. "Are." Nip. "Mine." Kiss.

I moaned, "Yes. Yours. No one else's."

"I should mark you right here," James grabbed my earlobe between his teeth and pulled.

I growled and pushed him up against the opposite shelf. I kissed him softly on the lips then abruptly ran my hands through his hair, pushing his head to the side to expose his neck, and bit down where I had marked him.

A low rumble escaped from him and he picked me up to wrap my legs around his waist. "I'm gonna fuck you into next week."

"Do you mind?"

I pulled away and looked at the elderly lady who was glaring at us. Oh, shit. We're still at the store?

"Sorry, Mrs. Jones!" I pushed James away and scrambled down the aisle. Fucking hell.


"You're so fucking hot."

"I know. Thanks."

"I mean, shit. I could fuck you into—"

I growled, "Sphinx, stop hitting on my mate!"

James laughed while rubbing my instep with his thumb. We were currently sitting on opposite ends of my couch and Sphinx was "making herself dinner" in the kitchen while suspiciously staring at my man. My feet rested in his lap and James' feet were spread on either side of me. I have to admit, usually feet make me wanna barf, but his were tolerable.

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