"First Challenge"

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It was a bright Monday morning, I woke up at 6:30 am, since school starts at 7:30 am. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and fix my hair. I went down stair and saw Hotaru in one of my brother's t-shirt. He pat the sit next to him,"Minami!! Come watch this movie with me!".

"I can't Hotaru.. I have to go to school!", I put on my shoe and grab my bag.

"Ehh!! You are gonna leave me?!?", Hotaru made a puppy face.

"Hotaru, stop acting like a 3 year old! You're 15! Stay in here and don't go out, I'll be back soon!", I open the door, he grab my hand.

"Here, it's a letter from Queen Rosemary, it's our first challenge!", I took it and put it in my pocket.

"I'll find it, you stay!", I walk out.

"But Min-", I slam the door and ran to school as fast as I can. When I got to class I sat down at took the letter from Queen Rosemary:

Your challenge is to find The White Wolf, and take one of its feather and return it to me. The White Wolf can not be seen with normal human, but will show up if it takes interest in that human.

The bell rang and I quickly put the paper back into my pocket. I didn't talk to anyone since I have no friend, my only friend was Anku, but he sits in the front.

"Okay! Class we have a new student today! Come in", our teacher said. The new student came in... I am in hell! How did he enroll anyway?!? "Hi everyone! My name is Hotaru Sakamaki! Nice to meet you all!".

I face palm myself."Ah! What a hottie!!", one girl said.

"He is my babe!", another said. Some girls were arguing, while I felt like I was in hell.

"Hey Minami!! Did you miss me?!?", Hotaru yell getting everyone's attention. Crud!

"Well, since you guys know each other why don't you sit next to Minami??", the teacher said and Hotaru sat next to me. I heard some girls gossiping. I lean tours Hotaru and whisper,"How did you enroll?!?".

"I used my magic!", Hotaru whisper shout. I sigh, Hotaru took my hand,"Minami I want some Kimchi today!!", he yell leaving everyone in the room confused.

"Is there something we should know..??", Anku ask.

"W-What?? No! Nothing!", I shook my head, and pull my hand away from Hotaru. Then we all went back to our lesson, I look outside and saw it! The White Wolf. I shook Hotaru and I look at what I was pointing, he nod. He wave his hand in a circle and black aura came out, it got bigger and bigger. The room stop, No... Time stop!

Hotaru and I went outside, everything was frozen in time. We slowly walk tours the Wolf, but we saw some other people. It was Purple and Green,"We'll  take it from here!", Green yell and ran tours the Wolf but it dodged it. The purple did the same but didn't succeed. They kept trying but couldn't do it, then an idea popped into my head.

Then I remember something from along time ago when me and my big brother went to the zoo."Hotaru.. Make a dream catcher!", I yell and he drew a a circle in the air, and little by little the dream catcher slowly showed up.

I took it and swing it left and right, it caught the Wolf attention and it move closer and closer. To be honest I was really scared, I nod at Hotaru. While I was distracting it Hotaru went from behind and took a feather,"Got it!".

The Wold took the dream catcher from my hand, and let through the a bright white like."Tsk! Well get it next time!", Purple and Green left with their contract partner. I sigh, then I felt an arm wrapped around my waist."EHH!", I tense up.

"Minami is amazing!!", It was Hotaru.

"Hotaru.. Let me go!", I yell trying to get out of his grip, but couldn't. Hotaru pull me closer and ready his face on my neck.

"Hotaru! If you don't let me go I won't make kimchi for you to eat!!", I yell and he immediately let go.

"Okay! Sorry.. Let go back", He snap his hand and time resume. We both headed back to class. Hotaru made a dumb excuse for me, when we enter the classroom. We sat back on our seat and continue the lesson.

Hotaru would often yell during class, and he would get scold. During lunch I was eating alone, while the girls were dragging him away."Minami!! He-", Hotaru was cut off when Anku call out to me.

"Minami wanna eat with me?", Anku ask. I looked over at Hotaru, girls were feeding him their lunch. I nod and follow Anku, we sat on the bench and we ate together. Anku told me how his little brother wore his little sister's panties, which made me laugh my ass of."Minami..", I turn around and saw Hotaru.

"Oh! Hotaru, Anku was telling this story! It was so fu-", I was cut off when Hotaru ran away. That left Anku and I in confusion.
After School

Hotaru and I walk home, but Hotaru was completely silent he didn't say a single word to me. I just saw him while walking, he threw the feather in a jar and it disappear,"Where did it go?", I question.

"To the Queen...", I didn't see Hotaru's usual cheerful smile. We got home and Hotaru went straight to his room... What the hell is wrong with him?!? I went to my room and looked at the Black Rose, I saw one Patel had turn red. I wanted to tell Hotaru but I don't think it's a good time...

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