Liii. Motel

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♫ Inspired by Chelsea Motel No. 2 

I’ve been sitting on this bed in this motel

Just waiting for you to walk back into the room

But I know you won’t

I know you won’t

Because you’re already in the car

Driving away from me

Driving away with my heart that you’ve packed in your suitcase

I hate myself for not trying harder

For not pushing you to tell

For not kissing you and trying to remind you of what we have

Maybe I’m being paranoid

Maybe I’m just insecure

But I’ve been sitting in this motel

Just waiting for you to walk back into the room

Have you been thinking about him or about me?

So I get up out of that motel

Walk down the hallways

Trying to follow you but I know it’s no use

You’re gone and there’s nothing I can do

I hide it well

Try and act natural

But dear lord I hope you know

I hope you know

That I hate myself for not trying harder

For not pushing you to tell

For not kissing you and trying to remind you of what we have

I’ve been sitting on this bed in this motel

Oh God I’ve just been sitting here

In this motel

Waiting for you

Waiting for you to come back

I’ve been sitting on this bed in this motel

Oh God I’ve been crying for you to come back

Have you been thinking about him or about me?

So I don’t get up out of that motel

Or walk down the hallways

Try to follow you because I know it’s no use

You’re gone and there’s nothing I can do

I hide it well

Act natural

But dear lord I hope you know

I hope you know

 I’ve been sitting on this bed in this motel

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