We were the rebels who captured Expo-Park. And we were the Twipsy Twenty Sevens.


For as long as I can remember what happened during the war, I can safely say it's amazing to see how a wonderful country in Europe face an unfortunate fate as similar to the Middle East – how something so economically, politically and demographically stable in the West would quickly face a sudden unexpected flooding torrent of mire hitting the fan and wrecking it both ways. And even if we managed to recuperate rebuilding from the muck, we didn't see the day where all of us would be digging trenches and fighting from them in the same slop. Yes, I am being polite in my writings, but whatever you choice of words you described, well, let's say I agree with where things have ended up so far.

You see, you are probably coming to conclusions to what turned the many situations in Germany from somewhat bad... to total hellfire storming the borders of every Bundeslander... I mean, state lines. I do not want to invoke any controversy, but I am only documenting my experiences here. In fact, with regards to a shaky and sensitive history, perhaps that's why the Allies' saying, "Don't mention the war!" may as well be used among our circles. Actually it doesn't help for anyone to mention it... we are living the war, bombarded with news of city after city captured, recaptured, demolished to rubble... it's a vicious circle if I can describe it. But to better explain the situation a little better, it paid for me to keep an eye on the news stories as much as possible, especially in my student years.

Just ask everyone about the Arab Spring in the Middle East and you'll get plenty of answers, opinions, heat-triggered ramblings, and that's only with regards to the Syrian Revolution in years past. The story seems to be the same – the citizens are sick of a dictator, the dictator's regime shoots back at protesting citizens, citizens become angered and riled up over the dictatorship treating their opponents like criminal trash, and then militaries got involved. Last time I checked, it's a very tense war, and especially things really sink deep in the slop when terror groups begin stealing territory for their win nefarious reasons.

You get the picture.

In fact, in my student years, I recall watching too many documentaries of the day Treasonous State (as I prefer to call the terror group that took over parts of Iraq and Syria back then) took over Mosul and Raqqa in 2014... to say the least, nothing more than Nazi Germany's equivalent answer to the very religion the State betrayed, and especially with their harsh, strict interpretation and implementation of literal, conquering, Sharia law against the citizens... well, there was a reason why everyone, even citizens of the Muslim faith – that is, those who have cooperated and lived with other nationalities and faiths, aided in the workforce and renounced any wrongdoing or terror – would call said Treasonous State just that: scum trying to justify cruel acts that would brand innocent citizens a bad name (and even lead many more into unbearable harm). Of the many scenes from documentaries, there was one of those infamous militants parading though town streets and even one with a captured military tank doing burnouts in town square in celebration... all I can say is that such militants and terrorists in this league – they were just as bad as the National Socialists that claimed to be for Germany, Austria and Poland in the 1930's, and they deserve to... well, I wanted to punish them profanely for what they did to the people in their home countries, for the people they killed in Europe, and especially infiltrated to harass and even begin a massacre spree of innocent genuine refugees, but given the little glimmer of Expo culture and nostalgia from 2000 I had deep in my neurones, it gave me great joy to imagine that mutant little shrimp to run fierce and bloodthirsty and to just sic on said traitors and... to make a long story short, any lion passing by would may as well say, "you beat me to it". In fact, you'd tell me that I have a very sick imagination, but given how paranoid we were of the terrorism threat, as well as the world situation vulnerable to their awful demands, you may as well think of much more deplorable methods to torture them, for all the equally horrible things they have done and claimed responsibility for, just to watch them surrender, and to make sure they stay surrendered, bang.

Hand over Hannover!On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara