Chapter 17: The Infirmary

Start from the beginning

She turned around to tend to Hermione. I lifted my shirt back up to examine it myself, and Blaise's eyes widened. "Woah," he breathed.

Sure enough, there was a bruise forming on the right side of my chest. "That was not there before," Blaise said.

I nodded. "Is it..."

"Because Miss Granger here was inured in the exact same spot?" Madam Pomfrey interrupted, helping a potion down Hermione's throat and wrapping her arm.

"That is correct," she continued, "So I would advise your friends not to try this again, or you injuries might match Miss Granger's to the full extent."

I pulled my shirt back down, still in shock. "Does it go both ways?" I asked.

Madam Pomfrey sighed impatiently. "Yes," she said, still helping Hermione, "If you were to be injured, I believe Miss Granger may feel some effects, such as when you both ended up in here with me after that fall during the quidditch match. But I doubt that it would be as serious. As a Veela you are responsible for your mates safety, and this is, simply, your genetics' way of punishing you for your ignorance."

If those words couldn't make me feel even guiltier I didn't know what would have, but I sighed with relief. That was good, even if i was dangerously wounded it wouldn't hit her back quite as hard. "Now," Pomfrey continued, "Please wait outside while I change Miss Granger's attire, and I will let you know when you can come back in."

Me and Blaise nodded, and went back into the hallway. "I'm going to talk to the Headmistress," Blaise said, "She might wanna know what happened."

I nodded, taking a seat outside the infirmary as Blaise disappeared. I still couldn't sense Hermione's emotions, and that put me on edge even more. I sat in that chair for a few minutes, eyes closed, trying to relax, before I heard the infirmary door open and shut.

I whipped my head around. "You may go in," Madam Pomfrey told me.

I rushed into the infirmary as quietly as I could, and took up my spot standing at the side of her bed. She looked better, the bruise on her jaw was down to discreet discoloration, and she wasn't all dirty anymore.

Pansy, I thought with disgust, how stupid can a bimbo get?

I sighed, and looked down at Hermione. Before I knew exactly what I was doing, I bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. It was warm, and it comforted me, even though she didn't even know what was happening. I backed away again, and took a seat on the floor, leaning back up against the bedside.

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Hermione's POV

He must have thought I was still asleep when he kissed me.

I didn't want to embarrass him, so I was planning on waiting a little while till I opened my eyes again, but before I had the chance I must have fallen asleep again.

I finally woke up when the sun was shining through a window into my eyes. I opened them, and was about to prop myself up on my elbows when I realized one of my hands was being restrained. I looked down. Draco was there, and he was holding my hand in his tightly, leaning up against my bed.

He hadn't moved yet, even though I was stirring, and he hadn't loosened his grip on my hand either. Must be asleep, I thought, smiling slightly. I tightened my fingers on his own hand and laid back down, closing my eyes again, when the infirmary door opened.

I assumed it was Madam Pomfrey coming to check on me again, so I kept my eyes shut, but then I heard familiar voices. "I wonder how long he's been here with her?" A familiar voice asked.

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