Chapter 6: The Emotions

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Hermione's POV

It was the first day of classes. I practically jumped out of bed, I was so excited. I pulled on my new robes and made sure all my books were in order, then ran out the portrait, almost knocking over Malfoy in the process. I had half expected him to throw a curse my way, but he just stood there surprised, so I kept going.

After breakfast, me and my friends met down in the dungeons for Potions, our first class of the day. I wasn't exactly exited, potions was never my favorite, but as long as I was with my friends, it would be fun. I took a seat with Ginny, and Ron and Harry were next to us. As per usual, we had potions with the Slytherins, which was always 'exciting' you could say. I looked around. I saw Parkinson sitting by a girl who I knew as Daphne, and Blaise Zabini was beside Malfoy.

Slughorn cleared his throat at the front of the class, and we were silent. "Welcome back, everyone!" He exclaimed, cheerfully, "I trust you all have your books, so I'll ask you to turn to page 167 in them."

I did what he asked immediately, and found that we would be brewing a truth potion; Veritaserum to be exact. I had heard of this potion before. Extremely powerful, but difficult to brew. "Working with the person sitting next to you," he began, and I smiled at Ginny, and her at me, "You will brew this potion, working all of today and tomorrow until it is finished."

I was reading the instructions intently when Ginny elbowed me again. "He's watching you again, Mione," she whispered.

"Good for him," I said, monotone, not looking up from the book.

Ginny laughed. "You really have no interest, do you?"

I smiled at her briefly and looked over to the other side of the room. He was looking at me. What kind of game was he playing? I shook my head, frowning, and returned to the book. These instructions were very difficult, not to mention the ingredients rare. I didn't have any of these. But as if reading my mind, Slughorn announced, "All the ingredients you will need are in the cupboard on that side of the room," he pointed.

"I'll get them," I told Ginny.

She was good at potions, but this was such an advanced type I wanted to make sure all of the ingredients were perfect, and that we got the best ones.

Malfoy must have thought the same thing, because we both rose from our seats and went to the cupboard at the same time. We were both rushing so much, I almost ran into him. "Whoops, sorry," I said quickly, glancing at him briefly before grabbing the ingredients I needed.

He said nothing again, and began looking through the shelves himself for what he needed. Once I had everything, I went back and joined Ginny at our table. "Let's do this," I said.

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Draco's POV

I think I'm slowly going insane. I barely got any sleep last night, and I woke up this morning and was startled by the fact that the first thing i though of was Granger, and whether she was up yet. I left my room in my pajama's and, seeing as I had plenty of time before breakfast had started, was about to take a seat on the coach before Granger ran into me, already dressed and ready.

Needless to say, I was speechless, especially because she seemed almost afraid since she had almost run me over. But I stayed silent, and she left through the portrait hole. I stood there, still staring at where she wad been standing. Where was she going in such a hurry? I found myself thinking. Why do you care? Well, it's a legitimate question. Not really. And stop having a conversation with yourself, at least pretend like you're not crazy.

No Choice (Dramione/Veela)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang