Chapter 9: The Reasons

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Draco's POV

Opening my eyes slowly, I saw a figure standing over me, dressed in black, but my vision was far to blurry to make them out.

"Hey, D," it said.

"Blaise," I replied in an unimpressed monotone.

"That was a sweet fall, bro," he said, obviously stifling a laugh.

I smiled faintly. "Yeah," I replied, "too bad I broke some bones. Did Potty catch the snitch, then?"

Blaise laughed again, and sat in the chair beside my bed. "He fell with you," Blaise explained, "You don't remember?"

"It's all kind of a blur," I admitted.

"Oh it was pretty cool, the bloke knocked into you trying to pull up and you both fell about fifteen meters!"

Of course it wasn't my fault, I knew I had done that pull-up immaculately. "Figures," I scoffed.

Blaise nodded. "Potter's already out of the wing though, and so is Granger."

I tried to sit up at the mention of her name, but the pain was too severe in my lower back. I grunted, but held myself up barely by my arms. "Why was she here?" I asked.

"She came in about the same time as you and Potter did. At least that's what I figure, because she was at the match, but as soon as I come to check you guys out, all three of us of you were in here, unconscious."

I sighed dramatically. Blaise smiled, but then his expression turned grave. "Madam Pomfrey told her about your... situation though, mate."

I fell back onto my bed, ignoring the aching pain. "Great, the mudblood probably hates me," I mumbled, getting angrier.

"Hey," Blaise got my attention back by snapping at me.

"You couldn't have kept this a secret for long, a month or two, tops," he continued, "Or were you gonna try and get her to fall for you all on your own," he teased.

"Shove off," I growled, but I had a small smirk on my face as I turned back into my pillow.

Getting the hint, Blaise turned to leave. "I'll see you at breakfast," he said as he walked away, "Madam Pomfrey said she wants to keep you overnight."

I grunted at him in response. This was bad. I thought maybe I could get Hermione to fall myself with my Malfoy charm and hot bod, but now she knew what was going on.

Adding to that, my life was literally on the line. I couldn't solve this all by myself, but who would even be willing to listen to me whine? Blaise was always full of girl advice, but it's not like I ever needed any help. I needed someone with experience doing this. I sighed. I really didn't wanna go back to my mum about this. I was thinking of what Granger would do to me when I saw her next, but I was so bloody exhausted I don't even remember falling asleep.

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Dear Mum,

There's been a little... bump in the road you might say. There was an accident during a quidditch match (Don't worry I'm fine now) but long story short; my 'mate' knows what's going on. I was meaning to ask you how you ended up with Father, because you said he still doesn't know. Please owl back fast.


- - -


That was a very difficult and... interesting time for me. My parents denied every suspicion I had about what might of been happening because they were embarrassed of me, and even more of my mother's blood. I had to do all the research, and understand it all on my own. Luckily, once I found out that I was destined to be with your father, it was simple, although there were a few surprised along the way. But in the end, the only thing I did to start it off was spend time with him. I became his friend, first. I guess I may have just gotten lucky that it turned out well. It will for you too, you're a wonderful boy, and just know that whoever you end up with, I'll support you both.

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