Chapter 2: The Train

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Draco's POV

I hugged my mother at King's Cross, and I picked up my trunk. "I'll owl you," I told her, and she nodded. She might have had a tear in her eye, but I wasn't sure.

"Let me know if anything goes," she paused, "odd, will you?"

I looked back at her. "What is that supposed to mean?"

She looked at the ground, then at the red train behind me, and then back at me. "Just... promise me," she smiled.

"I promise," I said, and I hugged her again, "bye mum."

With trunk in hand, I boarded the train near the Slytherin compartments. I looked to my left and right, and smiled slightly when I saw Blaise and Pansy sitting a few compartments away. I joined them, and when I opened the car door they both looked up at me, Pansy smiling brightly. I remembered her quite well. She was always trying to get with me, although most of the time I didn't mind. I found her quite attractive, I did ask her to the Yule ball in fourth year, and she went with me gladly. We had a lot of fun that night, and even more when we went back to the dorms.

I smiled back at her and sat beside her. I nodded to Blaise, and he smiled. Pansy rested herself on my shoulder almost immediately. I flinched at first, but then I relaxed, and took in the view from outside the window for a few minutes before there was a knock on the compartment door. It was McGonagall.

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Hermione POV

I sat in the compartment with Ginny, Harry, Ron, Neville, and Luna. The latter pair sat holding hands next to Harry, and I sat between Ron and Ginny. We were currently passing through the countryside, and I was watching the hills roll by when Ginny spoke. "We should probably go change into our uniforms. Luna and Hermione, let's go first. I don't want anyone stealing our compartment." I reached up and grabbed my trunk. My new robe was sitting on the top, and I grabbed it before exiting the compartment first with Luna and Ginny behind me.

I found the bathroom and changed into my robe, examining myself in the mirror anyway. They were relatively form-fitting, with a belt showing off my thin waist. Other than that, they were perfect. The black, gold, and red complimented each other nicely. I pulled on the collar, flipping it out how it was supposed to be. Taking one last glance and pulling some hair behind my ear, I left. Luna was waiting. "Ginny went back to the compartment," she said in her soft voice, "She said you were taking too long, but I waited for you. I happen to know this area of the train is infested with Nargles of all sorts and I didn't want to leave you alone."

I nodded. "Thanks, Luna."

We passed the Ravenclaw compartments on our way back. Several of them that I knew greeted me, and some even I didn't know still smiled and waved. I was well known now, I suspect. It almost set me on edge. "It seems we have a problem," Luna stopped and looked back at me.

I looked ahead. Malfoy was standing at our compartment door, Pansy behind him. Not surprising, she followed him everywhere. Everyone was well aware she was long fallen for him, but his feelings for her were forever a mystery. As per usual, Harry and Ron were arguing with him.

"...And you call me an idiot!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ron!" I exclaimed.

"Well if it isn't-" Draco started.

"And you!" I spat and turned to him, "Why don't you just stay away from us, huh?"

Draco laughed and smirked at me. "Funny you mention that Granger, I was looking for you."

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