"So this is how you wanna play, huh? You know I'll find you, I always do."

I walked around the couch, seeing if he was behind it. Not there. I looked behind the curtains. He wasn't there, either.

For a moment, the lights from the Atlanta skyline caught my attention. It looked so beautiful at night. It looked even better from afar, with the light coming from inside the skyscrapers and other buildings. I didn't regret living here, I loved being in the city. One of the many reasons why I decided to move to Atlanta. I sighed, snapping myself out of my reverie. Now wasn't the time to think about my past. I still had him to find. I went to one other door to my left. Underneath the crevice, a faint orange light glowed from inside. The scent of sandalwood seeped from the opening. He knew I loved that smell. He knew me well. I grabbed the doorknob, twisted it open, and entered the room...

My mind is thrust into consciousness. The sound of soft rain pattering against the roof wakes me and the dream fades away. I don't open my eyes; they remain closed. Though the patches covering my eyes feel kind of funny. I reach up to touch them and find both are slightly crooked. Before removing them, though, I grab my phone, which is sitting on my nightstand.

I press the little circular button on the bottom, waiting for a few seconds before a ding ding! chimes through the speakers.

"Siri?" I croak. My throat feels dry, like cotton. And hurts.

"What can I help you with?" she replies.

"What time is it?"

"The time is one thirty-five a.m."

Really? I've only been asleep for two hours? I thought I've been asleep longer. Throwing the blankets off me, I stand up and take off the patches from my eyes, thinking they could do without the patches for a while. I open my eyelids slowly, not wanting to rush myself and ruin the new corneas. Then, out of nowhere, a blinding white light suddenly shines in my face. I raise my arms up to my head and my eyes shut tightly. I feel a burning sensation on both of them.

What is this?

It can't be daytime already. There's no way, I checked the time. Unless I'm dreaming again and didn't really wake up.

Well, only one way to find out. I open my eyes again to check my bedroom, only to find something very odd about. A feeling of confusion washes over me. I look around my room more intently, examining the area. Or...at least I think it's my room. But it can't be. It doesn't feel like it is.

My walls are off-white when I remember they're supposed to be a baby pink shade. Something's cushy beneath my feet. Like carpet. I glimpse down and see one. It's an ugly beige color.

Huh? My room has never had carpet. When I look back up and see outside my window, there's a parking lot. It's full of all sorts of vehicles. Cars, SUVs, pickup trucks. And my window is facing two apartment complexes, one in front and one to the side. It strikes me as odd that they're there because we don't live near a complex. The window faces our backyard instead.

What the hell is going on? I think.

I turn my head to face my room again and see countless DC Comics mini posters taped to the walls. DC Comics figurines are on a teeny desk in the corner, along with a laptop, a large stack of binders and an HP printer. A small television is backed up against the wall and atop of a small TV stand. The weird part of all of this is that my vision isn't blurry anymore. I can actually see everything crystal clear when I shouldn't yet.

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