Quick Guide to Medieval Terms

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A list of common denominations, and other names they are known by.

Pound (Sovereign) = 20 Shillings

Mark = 13 Shillings and 4 Pennies

Angel (Half-Pound) = 10 Shillings

Crown = 5 Shillings

Half-crown = 2 Shillings and 6 Pennies

Shilling = 12 Pennies

Sixpence = 6 Pennies

Groat = 4 Pennies

Tuppence (Ha'-penny) = 2 Pennies

Penny = 4 Farthings

Farthing = ¼ Penny


A list of common weights.

Pound = 16 Ounces

Stone = 14 Pounds

Hundredweight = 112 Pounds

Ton = 20 Hundredweights


A list of common measurements.

Quart = 2 Pints

Pottle = 2 Quarts

Gallon = 2 Pottles

Barrel = 30 Gallons

Cask (Pipe) = 125 Gallons

Tun = 250 Gallons


A list of common measuring lengths.

Inch = 2.5 Centimetres

Foot = 12 Inches (0.30 Metres)

Yard = 3 Feet (0.9 Metres)

Metre = 100 Centimetres

Mile = 5280 Feet (1609 Metres)

League = 3 Miles

Fathom = 2 Yards

Types of Horse

A brief outline of the type of work each horse would be expected to perform, and the average cost of that type of horse.

Destrier – these were well-bred, highly trained stallions. They were used in war, or sometimes for tournaments, as they were very strong, fast and agile for their great size. They were considered specialist mounts, and were both expensive and uncommon (The equivalent of the modern Dressage horse) (20-40 Pounds).

Palfrey – these were well-bred horses used for general riding, hunting and travelling in the upper-classes. They were occasionally used in warfare; similar to the Destrier, they could be very expensive (Also called Jennets, when used by Ladies) (10-20 Pounds).

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