I was flying around looking for sheep, none in sight, that means it's almost time. As if in que, the bell rang.

"Come on boy, we can win this thing!" I said. The sheep was launched and spikeshot sped up, I almost lost grip.

He flew underneath it and I jumped up and caught it and landed back on spikeshot's saddle.

"C'mon let's win this thing!" I shouted.

Spikeshot sped off, I saw toothless coming close to us. We neared the baskets. Now toothless was above us and hiccup could easily grab the sheep.

"Spikeshot, now!" I said. Spikeshot did I sharp drop, loosing toothless. I pulled up and looped around the baskets and threw the sheep in.

"Yes!!!" I shouted. My supporters cheered. I flew towards the stands and high fived them.

Finally, after 5 years spikeshot and I finally won.

"We'll done boy, guess who's gonna get extra fish later" I said making spikeshot gurgle.


It was late at night and the gang and I were around a campfire. The dragons playing around a lot, which was quite funny.

Maybe even more funny because we were drinking quite a lot.

Snotlout was dancing around the fire which was quite funny.

"Ooohhhh....what are theeeese" he said feeling the horns on his helmet.

"I am a draaaagon..... Everyone..looook at meeee...hehehe...I'm a dragon-" he said before tripping over his own feet and falling flat on his face in the sand.

I burst out laughing, laughing hysterically, what do you expect, All of us have drank a lot.

I looked around, no tuff or ruff...eh.. probably pulling a prank or something.

I stood up and wobbled around try to walk, but falling over in the process. The group burst out laughing, well, except fishlegs who was sober, but he giggled a bit.

"Y/n...were are YOU going" snotlout slurred. I was still lying on the ground.

"Hehehe....you're voiiice sound funnyyy" I giggled.

"Y/n where are you going" fishlegs said standing over me.

"I need to peeeee" I said bursting into a fit of giggles afterwards.

"I'll help you" he said pulling me up.

"I don't neeeed help" I said walking off in a random direction and tripping.

Fishlegs caught me.

"Yes you do, you almost fell over and you're going the wrong way" he said before picking me up and carrying me to the village center.

"Whoooooo......wheeeeee..... fishlegs youuu need to try this, it's amazing!!" I shouted. He shushed me.

"Be quiet there are people sleeping, I don't think they want to be woken up by a crazy drunk teenager" he said. Yeah, I definitely wouldn't.

"Yeah...that teeeenager needs to go insideeee" I said. I saw him roll his eyes. He put me down and I walked up to the bathroom to do my business.

Fishlegs' P.O.V

I was waiting for y/n to finish up. I saw ruff and tuff walk past laughing and high fiving.

The gang were the only people outside, everyone else called it a night and went to bed. Not us. I don't even k ow why I decided to stay up, oh right. To watch over y/n. This is the first time she's drunk this much and I don't want her to do anything stupid, also tuff is also drunk, just not as drunk as she is, I don't want anything to happen to her.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"We poured water all over spitelout" ruff said giggling. I rolled my eyes.

"What aree youu doing??" Tuff slurred. He was quite drunk.

"Waiting for y/n" I said.

As if on que, y/n came back out all jumpy and giggly.

"How much did she drink?" Ruff giggled. Ruff was drunk just not as drunk as tuff.

"A lot" I sighed.

"Can you walk back to the group by yourself, without falling over" I asked y/n.

"Yeah...I'm not a baby" she slurred, rolling her eyes. She walked forwards a few steps and fell over, she burst into a fit of giggles. I rolled my eyes.

"Y/n be quiet. No one wants to hear your giggling" I said. She covered her mouth and started laughing hysterically. I rolled my eyes again and picked her up.

"Yayyyyyy!!!!" She shouted.

"Not too loud" I hushed her. She put her finger to lips shushing me. She is going to have a big hang over tomorrow, well, later on actually.

We made back to the bonfire and she jumped out of my arms....okay.

About 20 minutes later most of the group were asleep on the ground. It was only y/n, tuff and I that were still awake.

Y/n's P.O.V

Most of the group was asleep, except tuff and I and maybe fishlegs.

Tuff and I were lying on the ground giggling.

"I'm tireeed" I slurred. He looked at me.

"Then sleep" he said.

"But I'm not tireeeed" I slurred. He looked at me confused before we burst out into a fit of giggles.

The giggles died down and I looked at tuff, who was looking at the stars.i leaned over so I was slightly on top of him.

"What aree you doing??" He asked me.

"Talking too youuu" I slurred thinking was hilarious, and giggled.

He smiled and I grabbed his face with my hands and kissed him. He smiled again. He put his arms around my waste and pulled me closer. I slid my tongue along his lip and he let me in. We played around a bit, I decided to tease him a bit and I bit his lip gently, earning a moan from him. I smiled and pulled away.

"Awww.... unfair"he said pouting. I giggled.

"Are we the only ones up?" He asked. I looked around everyone was out, including fishlegs. I looked back at him and nodded. He stood up and pulled me up.

"Whereee are wee going?" I said, maybe a bit loud. He shushed me. We arrived at his house.

"What aree wee doing here" I asked a bit loudly. Thankfully his parents went on a trip to see some trading guy. He shrugged.

We went inside and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his room. Once we got there, he closed the door and he kiss me the most passionate way he has ever done.

Let's just say, the alcohol controlled our minds.

Fishleg's Sister (reader x Tuffnut) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now