chapter 16

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Come on Spike shot!" I said as he flew between the trees of the forest.

I was practicing flying with Spikeshot, I'm eager to win at least one race. Spike shot was making lots of sharp turns. We flew over a cove and he dived straight down, he dipped his claws in the pond and left a trail as we went along. He flew up again and we landed on the ground. I jumped off Spikeshot and I gave him  the fish I caught earlier, which he caught eagerly.

Things have changed over the past few months, Ruffnut is still interested in Eret. Fishlegs and Snotlout are still fighting for her to get her attention. I used to find it funny, that was until, Snotlout came up with an idea to flirt with me whenever Ruff is around to make her jealous. Now I know how Astrid felt years ago.

I haven't told anyone about my crush on Tuff. I want to keep it a secret, just in case someone tells him and it gets all awkward and complicated. That is something I want to avoid as I am sure that he has no idea what feelings are, and if word gets out I will be stuck in an awkward mess as the dragon riders spend a lot of time together.

I looked up into the sky, it was night time. I better get home so that Fishlegs and my mum don't get worried.

"C'mon boy,let's go home" I said standing up. I climbed onto Spikeshot's saddle. She flew into the air, it was now pitch black, I couldn't see a thing.

I managed to find my way back to the village. I landed outside my house and jumped off the saddle.

"How about we go and learn some tricks tomorrow, eh boy?" I asked him, he gurgled and nuzzled me. I led him to the stable and he went in there and crept in slowly, trying not to wake Meatlug, who was laying on her back with her tongue out.

I closed the stable door and went into my house. I went up the stairs and walked I to Fishlegs's and mine shared room.

"Where have you been?" Fishlegs asked as I sat on my bed.

"In the forest, practicing with spike shot" I said taking my dagger out of the belt around my waist and putting it on my bedside table.

"I'm going to dragon island tomorrow, wanna come?" He asked

"Can't, gonna practice some tricks with Spikeshot" I said, laying down on my bed.

"Why don't you come with me and the others to dragon island tomorrow" he suggested, I rolled my eyes. Did he not just hear that I said I was busy?

"Fishlegs, do you remember how many times we've been to dragon island, a lot, and I'm pretty sure Hiccup has been to every island there is, there's no more new dragons" I said

"What about Berserk island?" Fishlegs asked

"We are not going to Berserk island, I don't want to face Daguar again" I said, playing with my fingers as I thought of the many encounters we had with the mad-man.

"Come on, it'll be fun, just stay hidden from Daguar and his guards" Fishlegs said

"Okay, but if we and the dragons get killed. I'm blaming you" I said

"You've got my word" he said

"I'm going to sleep now" I said before tucking myself into the covers in my bed and falling asleep.


I picked up my axe and hooked it onto one of the pegs on Spikeshot's saddle. I secured the dagger on my belt.

"Someone's prepared" I turned around and saw Astrid.

"Can't stand any chances" I said

"Guys, guys! Okay this is what were gonna do"Fishlegs said, trying to control the rest of the gang. He wasn't very successful. 

Fishleg's Sister (reader x Tuffnut) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now