Chapter 14 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type?

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  It has been a few days since the whole 'event' happened, and who were tiredly looking out the window of the classroom. News of your cat ears spread around quickly, so there was no need for your hood, allowing everyone to identify you as the 'famous Nekocchi.' Everyone involved in the incident quickly apologized once realizing this, and tried to become close friends with you. 'At least the host club cares about me for me and not my fame, as well as Ume-nii' you sighed, subconsciously patting the baby husky who was sleeping on your desk. You were brought out of your thoughts when a scrunched up paper ball hit the back of your head. You turned around to glare at the twins seated in the desks behind yours and Haruhi's. "Who threw it?" you sighed, looking between the two as they pointed at each other. "Never mind... What do you two want? Class should be starting soon" You said, leaning on the back of your chair. "Apparently there is a group of new students joining our class" Kaoru said. "Yea, there's even a new row of desks at the back" Hikaru pointed out. You nodded, wondering why there was a group of people instead of the usual one or two. "Well anyways, I heard you two like pranks" the two nodded, smirking slightly "Wanna prank some people some time?" you asked. They were about to respond when Haruhi bonked you on the head. ""No pranking! You remember what happened last time" Haruhi scolded, ignoring the bewildered stares of the twins and your complaining. "Buuuuuuuuut Haaaaaarrrruuuuuuu-nnnyyyaaaaaaaannnnn" you moaned.

You stopped complaining when the teacher started speaking. "As some of you may know, a group of new students will be joining us" they said, signalling for the students to come in. Your eyes widened when 6 familiar people walked into the room. They all looked around the room before all of their eyes fell on you. "(y/n)! Surprise! We decided to come to Ouran!" Kaede chirped. "N-not specifically because of you though!" Yuki countered You smiled at your band as they gave quick introductions. When Sei and Sen were introducing themselves, you noticed that they switched so Sei was wearing a black hoodie and Sen was wearing the white. They also decided to introduce themselves as each other, probably to confuse people. "Sei and Sen, please don't try and trick people about your identities. Sei, white suits you more than black and Sen, black suits you more than white. We don't need another pair of tricksters" you said, motioning to the twins behind you. You swear you noticed a flash of relief when you easily knew who was who, but you dismissed it. "Aww, no fair" Sei complained, "Don't ruin our fun" Sen continued, smirking. You noticed as Yoshio cowered in the back, obviously trying to avoid any attention, whereas Kiyoshi was enjoying all the attention (the others were all neutral).

The classes flew by and you were soon scouting down an empty music room with the band. As the group quietly walked around, you noticed some similarities between the band and the hosts.
Sei was like Kaoru
Sen was like Hikaru
Kiyoshi was like Tamaki
Kaede was like Haruhi
Yoshio was like Mori mixed with Honey, with shyness x100,000
And Yuki was somewhat similar to Kyoya
The last two thoughts caused you to look at the two and quietly giggle. "The hell are you laughing at! N-not that I care what you do!" Yuki yelled (?) as Yoshio blushed and looked away. "Nothing~" you sang back, ignoring everyone's stares. The topic was ignored as you reached music room 4. "Let's just go through a few songs" Kaede suggested, testing a random instrument. Everyone nodded and grabbed their preferred instrument, excluding you and Kaede, and set up some mics.

After going through a bunch of songs, you and the band parted ways as you went to the host club to see if they were still there. When you walked into music room 3, you didn't expect to see a young child locked in a cage. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" you yelled, glaring at Tamaki. You made your way over to the cage and gently lifted the child out of the mini prison. "You okay? Can you please tell me what is going on here?" you asked the child, still holding him. "Now there's a cat!?!" The child yelled, trying to get out of your grasp. Upon seeing your calm gaze, he stopped wriggling and explained why he was there. "My name is Shiro. I came here to learn how to make girls happy. I was doing my best, but the king put me in a cage!" Hugging Shiro, you turned to the hosts. "Is this true?" you sighed. "He was insulting my customers and disrespected Haruhi!" Tamaki yelled. Deadpanning, you turned to Haruhi, raising an eyebrow. She just shrugged. "You guys do realize it is illegal to do that" you once again sighed, still holding Shiro. "So are you gonna help me be a host or not?" Shiro complained. "Of course. Making women happy is the soul purpose of being a host. If this is what you really want Shiro, you'll have to find out how to use the material you already have" Tamaki said, sparkles flowing around him.

Seeing Shiro's confused face, Kyoya expanded, "You see, here at the Ouran Host Club, our policy is to use our individual personality traits to meet the needs of our guests. For example, there is Tamaki, who is the 'princely type' There's the 'strong and silent type'...'The boy Lolita type'...'The little devil type'...and 'the cool type'. It's all about variety. And now our group is complete with the addition of Haruhi, 'the Natural' and (y/n), who we haven't thought of a type yet" Shiro looked at you, then turned back to the hosts, "Wouldn't she be 'the cat type'?" Thinking about this for a second, everyone shook their heads. "I would say I'm the friendly type or the feminine type, considering I'm the only female" you explained. "As for you, there are many girls who are interested in shota, yet dislike the Lolita type. I would say you are the 'naughty boy' type" He nodded. All of a sudden, the ground shook and Renge came out of the ground on a motor thing, claiming she was to teach him. You sighed, knowing where this would go.

Walking over to the elementary building, you searched for Shiro's classroom. "Not here, not here, it's here!" you mumbled, looking at a few pictures on the wall. Spotting a cute picture of Shiro and a girl playing the piano, you decided to head over to the music room. Reaching the room, you see Shiro talking to the girl from the picture before she walks to the piano and starts playing. You stepped into the room and gave Shiro a slight wave. "What are you doing here? Are those idiots here as well?" Shiro questioned. "No, I came to apologize for their behavior." you explained. "So who's the cute girl playing the piano?" you asked, noticing Shiro's small blush. "She's Hina Kamishiro. We sometimes play together, but since she's moving soon, I want to hear her play as much as possible" he explained. Smirking, you went over to Hina and got a glimpse of the song she was playing. "Shiro, please come with me. I want to show you something" you said, grabbing his hand.

You dragged Shiro to music room 4, where Yoshio was still practicing at a grand piano. "Hoshi-nii, can you please teach Shiro *insert random piano duet here*?" you begged the shy male. "S-sure" He nodded, motioning for Shiro to go to the piano. Yoshio taught Shiro the basics and started teaching him the song. You stood by, thinking over a few things for your plan. Seeing as the two were focused, you went to the hosts and told them your plan.

A few days later, you and Hoshi lead Hina to music room 3. After explaining your plan to the hosts, Tamaki also helped Shiro learn the piano, and he quickly learnt the song. After opening the door, rose petals delicately floated around Hina as she looked at Shiro, who was sitting at a piano. "Welcome, Princess" the hosts mused. "I present to you, Shiro Takaoji's piano recital. If you please, Princess" Tamaki said, motioning her to sit at the second piano. "Let's play together Hina" Shiro said. You stood to the side with Yoshio, smiling at the young musicians. "Thank you for teaching him" you whispered to the shy pianist. "I-it was no problem" he stuttered, slightly blushing. After the two had finished playing and had exchanged emails, Shiro made his way over to you and Yoshio. "Thanks for teaching me Onii-san and thanks for doing this Onee-san!" Shiro smiled, hugging the two of you as Yoshio blushed at his new nickname and you giggled.

A couple of days after Hina had moved, Shiro visited the host club and ended up strealing all of Tamaki's guests. As Tamaki was yelling and complaining, you just pat his fluffy hair, trying to get him to calm down. 'Just a normal day at the host club, huh?' you sighed.  

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