Chapter 6 - First Day as a Hostess

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It was your fist day as a hostess. You were nervous as you, Haru-nyan and Ruby walked to the pink buildings known as Ouran. Your midnight tails and ears were hidden snuggly under your hoodie. Although you were accompanying Haru-nyan around school and were part of the host club, you still weren't an actual student, so you didn't have to wear the horrifying yellow monstrosity known as the female's uniform. You could see the tops of the buildings as you neared Ouran and you gripped onto Haru-nyan's hand. To be honest, you were really scared that someone might find out your secret or you might be bullied. At least Haru-nyan was with you. You took a derp breath as you walked into the school. People were staring at you and you heard their whispers. 'Who's she?' 'She's so cute!' 'Ugh, why is she holding Haruhi's hand!' 'Daaamn!' 'What is she wearing?'

You kept your head down as you continued walking. "Hey Haruhi! (y/n)! Over here!" two identical voices called out. You looked up to see the twins waving at the two of you. You caught up with them and noticed your nervous expression and how you were holding onto Haruhi's hand very tightly. "Hey (y/n), want a piggy-back ride?" he smiled at you. Your eyes brightened, "Really?! Are you sure Kao-nii?" You were slightly bouncing up and down. "Sure!" he laughed at how suddenly your mood changed. "Hop on" He carried you to the classroom while you were looking around, noticing how different everything looked. You still heard the whispers of the people you passed. 'Look, she's hanging out with the twins as well' 'Is she trying to steal OUR guys?' 'Who does she think she is?' Luckily Hikaru noticed this and looked up at you. "Don't worry about them, your our friend and we're gonna hang out with you whether you like it or not." he stated, smirking up at you. Haru-nyan smiled at you, happy you have made friends.

You soon reached the classroom and Kaoru put you down. You once again grabbed onto Haru-nyan's hand as you walked into the class. A teacher stood near the front, organizing some papers. You approached the teacher and quietly explained your situation. The teacher nodded and waited for the last few students to sit down. "Hello class, as you can see we have a new student, kind of. Miss Neko will you please explain?" You nodded at the teacher and took a breath. "Hello everyone! My name is (y/n) Neko, and I am technically not going to be a student. I will, however, be attending classes when I feel like it and I'm allowed to walk through the school. I am also the host club's first hostess and I hope to see you there! Let's be friends, K?" you spoke in a cheerful voice, winking at the end. You noticed a few people 'aww' and some others blushed. "So with that out of the way, you can sit in the seat next to Mr Fujioka." You nodded and took your place next to your twin, with the ginger twins behind the two of you.

Classes flew by and it was soon time for the host club. Throughout the day you managed to make a few friends with a couple of the hosts' fans and a couple of guys, who all promised to visit you at the host club. You were walking to music room 3 with Haruhi, subconsciously holding her hand. You arrived quickly and upon opening the door, you saw a jungle. You looked over to Haru-nyan to see if it was real, and saw she was looking through a calendar. 'Where did she get that?' you mentally questioned yourself. The other hosts noticed you were here, the twins commenting on how we were late. A toucan suddenly landed on Haru-nyan's head and you burst out laughing. " I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's still early spring," she mutters to herself. " Huddling over a kotatsu table fearing the cold is nonsense. Besides, the heating system we have is, the best!" Tama-nii stated, sparkling. You stopped paying attention and were playing with the toucan. You heard Haru-nyan sigh. "Do you have a problem with the way we run our club Haruhi? Be careful what you say. You owe us eight million yen, remember?" Kyoya told Haru-nyan.

"Ya know Haru-nyan, I am willing to help pay off you dept." you said, turning to look at her. Tama-nii continued to ramble,"Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be chilly early spring out there in the real world, but here at the club we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm tropical paradise. Oh, yes! We've turned this place into nirvana. A balmy tropical island of ever lasting summer!" You smiled at him, "Nice outfit Tama-nii!" Haruhi sighed again, "That's funny, because I feel a massive chill right now."

Hosting was about to start soon so the boys tried to get you and Haruhi to wear outfits to match theirs. Haru-nyan instantly shot Tama-nii down so he asked you to wear the tropical outfit that matched his. "I would love to wear it Tama-nii, but then people would see my ears" you told him, pointing to your hoodie. Soon girls and boys walked into the room, trying to request their desired hosts. It was then when Kyoya made the announcement, "As you all probably know by now, we have recruited a hostess, (y/n) Neko." All of you soon went to your hosting 'stations' and you started talking to your guests. There were two girls and three boys, all waiting for you to do something.

You suddenly sneezed like a kitten and everyone around you, even the twins, who were doing their twincest act, stopped to look at you. You noticed everyone's stares and in a flash, you were at Haru-nyan's side, hugging her. "Why is everyone looking at me?" you nervously whispered to her. Ruby walked over to you, just before the screaming of fangirls started. You did receive some glares but most people were going on about how cute your sneeze is. "Wow, none of us have ever gotten ALL the girls to squeal like that" the twins stated. After that everyone went back to hosting and you hear the others say something about a party but you decide to ask them about it later. You went back to your clients and apologize for running off when you saw everyone staring. "Ah, it's ok (y/n)-chan! But you have a really adorable sneeze!" one of they guys told you. "I do?" you looked up to the guy. You talked to your clients about stuff going on around school, it was all interesting since it has been a while since you've been at an actual school. You looked over to Haru-nyan and noticed that it was time for her to swap clients. You saw a girl go up to her and told her that she was her new favorite host. Haru-nyan noticed you were looking and you smiled at each other. The host club ended shortly after, but all of the hosts had to stay behind for a meeting.  

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