Outlaws and Bandits

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Jesse Mackenny and her gang thought it was going to be them forever, only them. They've been robbing trains and banks for years. They were a close knit group, and anybody who had the bad luck of running into them knew so. 

Jesse's gang consisted of five people, Jesse was the gang's new leader. Her blonde hair was always up into a tight ponytail, and her blue eyes made almost every man shiver. There was always her trusty colt revolver nestled into her holster that was strapped to her left leg. Always loaded and ready for whatever situation that would require it's services. Then there was Roger, he always made sure that everybody was doing their job. He's suspicious whenever anybody approaches the gang, when Jesse was taken in.. he almost blew his top. Roger's short black hair is rarely ever seen underneath his hat, and his brown eyes always searching for any kind of dangers. There were also the twin brothers, who were not much older than seventeen. Philip and Floyd were the scouts of the gang, and were full of energy. They were inseperable, and when there was one, the other was just around the corner. The two were identical twins, though Floyd had to grow a whatever scruff he could while his brother Philip was forced to shave so the gang could tell a difference. Like Roger they had black hair, but their eyes were blue instead. The last of the group was Ollie, he was approaching his mid fifties and acted as a father towards the whole group. Whenever there was a tiff he made sure that it was sorted in a more friendly fashion rather than guns being drawn and bullets flying. His hair was a light silver, though tinges of red could be seen. His green eyes were surrounded by the valleys of wrinkles that surrounded his face. 

The gang circled a fire that was burning brightly in the night in front of the abandonded wooden cabin Jesse called home, surrounding them with warmth and a light that painted their faces orange. 

"When are we goin' scoutin', Jess?" Philip asked excitedly, it was a few days since their last attempt at robbing a train, and it was obvious that the twins were growing impatient. Jesse looked up and Philip and his twin, who were already looking anxious to run to their horses and ride off to Armadillo or along the train tracks. God knows where they went most of the time. They could be gone any where from hours to days. Jesse didn't want to admit it, but she really did need the money, not for herself. Where she went the night after a robbery was always a secret. Only one person knew, but he was gunned down by lawmen years ago, which was a topic she never wanted mentioned. 

With a slight sigh she nodded, "You can start now, meet the rest of us in the Armadillo saloon tomorrow." the blonde stated as she stood up and stretched slightly. Though the gang was closer to Blackwater, there was no way in hell she'd try and talk buisness there. There were far more policemen there, and just the sound of the name made her cringe. Before anybody else got up the twins were up on their appaloosa horses and down the trail, galloping as fast as they could. 

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