Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

It's been a loooong time since I've written, but as of today, that's about to change. Today, I'm moving halfway across the country. Miami is all I know, I've lived here my entire life. A change of scenery should be a good thing, right?

A few weeks ago Aubrey had suggested that I move to California. Oh crap, I'm getting way ahead of myself. Diary, you wouldn't even know who Aubrey is. Well, he's this amazing guy that I met less than a year ago. He's more than just a friend to me, but not quite my boyfriend...yet.

 Anyway, Aubrey all but made a power point presentation about the endless possibilities that life on the west coast had to offer. He has this grand idea of  creating a new clothing line that will branch from his preexisting OVO line (I forgot to mention that he's a businessman by day and a Grammy award winning recording artist by night). He wants me to spearhead it. Apparently, he sees a lot of potential in me that he is just dying to tap into. I am sure that this is just a ploy so that I'm always in close proximity to him, but who's complaining?

Much love,


A Rare Chance (Drake Fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora