He hugged me tight and said, "Let's go home."

"Whaaaa? You and Kid lived together?" Luffy said in shock.

"BAKA!" Sanji, Usopp, and Zoro yelled.

"Wow. That must be hard for you." Robin said hugging me. "Don't you worry."

"But Nami. What was your answer?" Franky asked. "HE told you he loved you. Didn't you gave him an answer?"

"You're right." Nami said. "I did give him an answer. When he saw I was with Kid he ran up toward me. I knew he expected an answer. So I said, "I hate you."

"Sheesh Nami. You didn't have to be that harsh." Zoro said thinking about how HE felt. Rejection was a hard thing.

"I know it was harsh. But I had to tell him the truth. Sooner or later Laura figured out and asked me this question and there comes the water works. "Why'd you say no?" It hurt. She was in pain and so was I. Someone you loved so dearly but all he did was fake that love." Nami explained. "Love is hard to find."

Zoro closed his eyes and said, "You could say that again."

"After what happened, I never had a boyfriend. NEVER. Loyalty, care, love. That's what I need in a boyfriend. But most importantly, I need to have his trust." Nami clenched her fist. "I could never find him."

The crew looked back at each other. Wondering if they ever fell in love before. "That's deep." They all replied in a low voice.

Nami nodded. Law and Namis wrapped their arms around her shoulder and grinned. "That's why she's our best friend. We want her to feel loved."

Zoro glared at them. "Tsk. How cheesy."

...{time skip}

"WAHHHH!!!!" Nami said crying. She held on to Zoro and continued her cries.

"Nami! The fuck?! Why are you crying?!" Zoro stared at the navigator's crying face.

"It's so beautiful....." She said softly. Zoro stared at her dumbfounded.

"What are you talking a-" He turned his head and gaped at the beautiful architecture.

It was a treehouse. Not just any treehouse. But the most best treehouse they've ever seen. It was 2 stories high and looked just like a regular house would look. It was all made out of wood and when they went inside they were even more shocked.

"Amazing, huh?" Law grinned at Nami. "It took some time, but I managed."

"Yeah. Law did all the- wait.........DON'T TAKE ALL THE CREDIT!" Namis yelled.

Nami grabbed their shirt collars and playfully kissed them on the cheek. "You two don't fail to surprise me." She smiled and hugged them. She really missed them. They're like brothers to her and she's grateful to have close friends like Namis and Law.

"Wow they have a strong bond." Usopp said whispering to Luffy.

Luffy pouted. "What if they take my navigator away!" He managed to yell quietly.

"Nami-swan would never leave us." Sanji explained. "And what do you mean your navigator! She's our navigator!"

Zoro just stood in silence.

That's when Nami cleared her throat. The whole crew stared at her in silence. Nami frowned and spoke. "Aw, don't worry guys. All of you mean everything to me!" She smiled meaning she was serious. They were still inside the treehouse standing there like idiots.

"What are you doing!? Don't just stand there. Walk around and explore this place!" Nami swayed her arms around.

The crew still stood there. Nami sighed. "I'm not kidding." She giggled. "I know how much you want to explore this place." They grinned and nodded their heads. They ran and went into different rooms. Nami sat on the soft, huge couch. She closed her eyes and said her last words before falling asleep.

"If only he knew how much I need him."

AAAHHH! I'm literally so excited! Who do you think Nami is talking about? Who is the one she needs? Well looks like you need to read the story to find out.

Anyways........More than 140 people read my story! *O* Thank you so much!

So if there is grammar mistakes I'll fix them later. I'm wasting your time. Now remember..........STAY TUNED!!!!!!

-Jhanine (fairy17piece)

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