Piecing it Together/ The Call

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Terrence Pov-

Well finally everything has been settled.

That bitch and her shit is finally out of my house.

You know I actually feel closure.

I guess I really know how to pick em eh?

Anyway, like I said before I'm a sterile man. 

How do I know that for sure you ask?

Well each one of my wives and I had unprotected sex many times, and at first they were scared it was them.

After they got tested we still weren't getting any results.

So I became afraid it was me, and I never went to get tested until I suspected Q of not being my son.

I was still indenial.

Don't judge me. No man nor woman wants to believe that they can't do the very thing that God put us here to do.

But as Tupac said in his song:  'That's just the way it is."

It's how I am.

Mira: that lying, cheating bitch. I'm getting tight just thinking back.

Can you believe how that felt?  You being told by your doctor that you aren't able to produce children

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Can you believe how that felt? You being told by your doctor that you aren't able to produce children.

Then Your wife becoming pregnant. That shit gave me faith again, you know but to feel that disappointment when it turns out he wasn't mine.

That was before I went and got tested.

Fuck. I nearly blacked out on her ass.

I wanted to strike her, but my momma raised me better than that.

Plus I didn't need any court cases or police contact that can possibly get me fired from Empire. My baby TJ won't like that.

So to sum everything together: I won't be achieving my dream, and I know for damn sure Taraji don't want a man who can't give her what she wants.


Can I really call myself a man?

As much as I love her, I won't put her through that. Besides I haven't told her about my issue, as long as I've known her I don't know how she would look at me.

I hate pity. I can't accept that shit.

Okay I'm not gonna dwell on this depressing shit any longer.

Okay I'm not gonna dwell on this depressing shit any longer

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End Pov

As Terrence sat outside his home in one of his chairs by his pool. His cell started ringing. Guess who: His Bestie

 Guess who: His Bestie

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Phone Convo

😡Terry: Hello.
🙂TJ: Hey Terry
😠Terry: Hey What's up?
😒TJ: Damn you sound agitated? I can't see how my best friend is doing?
😔Terry: Sorry Taraji. I just, I remembered something I forgot to do. How are you?

Taraji pulled the phone away from her face staring at it, she didn't like the way he answered his phone.
That gave her the confidence to tell him what she called for.

TJ: I'm good. Listen I won't hold you up, So Terrence I'm personally inviting you on a trip to Hawaii. I'm also asking Jussie, Yazz, and Gabby if they want to go too?

He thought for a moment.

'Damn now that sounds perfect and would totally relax me, and take away my stress. But Taraji being in close proximity that's going to mess with my hormones. And I'm dealing with a lot of sexual frustration.'

Oh well. I love spending time with Taraji. Hell at least the boys will be there too.

Terry: Of Course Taraji that sounds great. So when is it?

She noticed he sounded much better. 'That must've improved his mood.'

TJ: I'm going to set everything up and once I find out if everyone is going I'll let you know.
Now sorry to cut our conversation short, but-

Terry: I understand. Well it's going to be great seeing you. And you enjoy your day, stay safe.

TJ: You too. I'll be seeing you. Stay frosty❄️ Anyway Love you😘

Terry: oh, yeah love you too.

After he hung up the phone, he looked at it.

'If only you knew how much I really do Taraji.'


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