Tyler's POV

Joshua William Dun is my bestfriend.

I love him.

No, not a "DUDE ILY MAN!" type of love that is exchanged between two bros in a bromance, but a

"Dude, you fucked up my life and I LOVE YOU FOR IT."

That type of love. Yup.

Sorry. I'm not the type for using much profanity. I prefer to stick to my Christian beliefs, but I just wanted to make a point.

How did we meet? That's simple. Ever heard of "that music camp that our parents forced us to go to in 8th grade"? Yeah, well I guess that camp wasn't a total bust once I met Josh.

I was your typical middle schooler and he was, well, to say the least, and emo dude from Ohio. The least likely pairing. But there was just something different about him, not just his Asian-ish eyes. Maybe it was the way he laughed, or just BECAUSE HE'S JOSH DUN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

Yeah, that's it.

Just beauty and grace.

Except the only part about it, when we first met, I considered him a "friend." I still laugh about that in my sleep.

Because I thought I was straight. And at the time, I would hang out with girls. I mean, not like they were my Best Friends Forever!!1!1 but more of the girls that I would "date."

You could've told me, "Someday, you'll find that beautiful girl, and you'll be inseparable," 5 years ago and I would've believed you.

But instead, I got a baby-faced Asian-looking full American who bangs on the drums professionally and is an Ohio-born person of the same sex.

Boy, was that a story to tell my friends.

Two Friends. {JOSHLER}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon