• Controlling the elements (avatar world)

• Safely traveling parallel universe (came in a present and took form of a rock)

• Time Traveling ( From the tardis)

• Building amazing things (took a lot of copying to get it down)

• flying

(By the way, just because I technically have a time lord's mind now, I still and never will be a genius sadly.)

*back to currently with Maneshi*

I started to follow the sound which was surprisingly near me. I stand hiding as I saw the new version of the Doctor, with he's new companion. Which I have to say is very hot. They went under a pothole or something. I quickly ran as quietly as I could to follow them. OMG it was hot! To what my Popsicle blood needed right now. I seemed to arrive just in time because the group of mannequins where attacking him. I quickly ran over there and did some serious butt whopping to the plastic things.

The Doctor stared wide eyed at me; wouldn't blame him I popped out of nowhere.

"Doctor the anti-plastic!!" The blonde girl yelled to whom was holding a scared African-London dude.

The doctor snapped out of it; "right!" he throw a vial of blue liquid at this blob of talking lava that I completely didn't notice.

"Quick to the Tardis!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the familiar blue box. As I walked in my breath was taken away. It was so beautiful inside of the tardis. Of course I knew she was bigger on the inside, but I never knew how beautiful she looked inside.

"She's beautiful." I thought out loud not expecting anyone to hear.

"Why thank you! She's called The Tardis meaning-"

I quickly cutted him off knowing what he was going to say.

"Some really long stuff that's going to hurt my brains."

"Actually it's not that long, but you are a human."

The blonde girl came up to me and introduced herself. She is so pretty (hey what can I say? I'm pan.)

"Hello there my name is Rose! And quick question. Aren't you a wee bit oh I don't know freaked out?"

I gave her a confuse look. "Now why would I be freaked out?" I questioned her.

"Why!? Why!?! We we're in a room with a big blog that was talking and walking mannequins and now we are in a police box that's bigger on the inside with another alien!"

He pointed to the doctor who smiled and waved childlike "Hi!" He's a very loveable person I can tell you that.

"Yeah that." Rose said.

"Oh well, nothing freaks you out anymore once you saw your grandparents doing it." Rose and the wimpy guy made a disgusted face expect for the Doc who was giving a face that was saying "Well that's a good reason."

"Anyways, how did you found us?' Rose asked.

"And don't I know you from somewhere?" The Doctor questioned, mostly to he's self I guess.

"And who the bloody hell are you!?" The idiot yelled at the top of he's long. Well someone's a drama queen.

I pointed to each one of them for their answers.

"Saw you going inside the pothole and thought it was a pit party."

"Not really."

"My name is Maneshi."

The Doctor gave me a confuse look.

"Maneshi what?"

"Just Maneshi."

"Now who are you guys?" I smiled at them to which they return.

"Rose Tyler, nice to meet you Maneshi." We shake hands as the proper manners of England.

"Mickey Thanks for beating those weird plastic things for me." I giggled as me and him shoked hands.

"Doctor, and yes Thanks for the help." Hand le shocked.

We quickly jerked our hands when a spark was sent through our hands. I held my hands looking at it thinking that this never happened before; when I copy someone's power it's more of a bubbly sort of feeling.

"Anyways I am going to take you guys home."

He went to drive the tardis; a lot of clanking noises going on, shaking as well until there was a sudden jerk. Does he even know how to drive this thing?

We all exited the Tardis quietly.

''where are you going to go now, Doctor?"Rose asked.

"Oh save the world like usual, space travel and such."

"Hey, if it wasn't for our help you wouldn't have saved the world." Rose replied.

The Doctor looked back at me and back at Rose, Mickey just wanted to go back home.

"You're right, how about you two come with me."

"Not sure." I answered him.

"And I can't." rose

"I'll take you to far off planes of the earth."

Blah blah blah she wouldn't go and I wouldn't go without Rose, which is just an excuse because I don't want to crash every time the Doctor drives the Tardis.

He came back saying it also time travels. Rose ran, dragging me with her. Am I a stuff teddy bear or a child blanket that people just love to drag around with?

"Welcome aboard to the Tardis!" The Doctor throw up he's hand in excitement....What have I been dragged into?

I shrugged my shoulders "eh, not like I had anything else to do."

The Doctor chuckled and started to touch my hair... technailly again.

"I love you hair." He stared to rub he's cheek with my hair.

"It's so soft and nice."

I tried to hold back my blush. It's not like I get a lot of complements anyways.

"So, where to?" The doctor asked.

"Hmm, anywhere." Rose explained.

"My place, real quick."

"We can go anywhere in time, yet you want to go home?" He was taken aback.

"Well I need to get some quick stuff since I'm traveling with you guys." I whined.

"She's right you know." Rose nodding in agreement.

Rose and I both went to our place to get our necessaries.

I got my sonic sword disguised as an umbrella, Lazar gun I stole from a Dalek and modify, Lots of sweatshirt and tank tops, pants, and all the necessary's.

And then we where off!! They did ask why I brought an umbrella; but I just told them it was a very much needed accessory.

-'--------------- This is my first story so I'll only accept critical stuff ouo.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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