Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

I didn't know what to say to her for the car keys she just gave me, although I kind of deserved it for listening to her fuss about me being late for a few minutes. Just saying.

The walk up to my room was exhausting, with my bags I had to drag for myself. Alice could of asked if I needed help, but instead she left to register me to Keele Academy. Ugh. School was another problem for me. I was dyslexic, but most of it I could read nowadays. Reading out loud was my enemy, never fails to embarrass me. That's why childhood was so hard, kids didn't understand what I had to go through.

When I walked into my bedroom, it wasn't what I had expected. It was much, much bigger than the thoughts I had. White walls, queen sized bed, large door-sized window, red curtains, beige lamps and carpets, green plants, and black furniture.

There laid a small note on the edge of the bed.


Please do not go wondering off anywhere or into my room. If you wish to leave the house, you may, but be home by 8 or I will assume you're dead and call the cops.

- A.M.

Oh, that's nice. Think of me as dead getting cut up into chopped liver. I wonder what my mother thought of her ..

I shuck my head, throwing the images and thoughts about her. Too much of it might have me balling my eyes out in seconds. Too pain to think. I needed fresh, Georgian air. And to test out what my car was like.

For the next half hour, I drove around the main street, glass shopping with my eyes. There wasn't much stores around outside of the mall, but it was something. Especially the waving monkey man.

I pulled my red Camry into the sunny lot, closest to the entrance. There was barely anyone out here, just smokers, drinkers and random drivers. My guess was that something was happening inside, something big. I stepped out of the vehicle and stared up at the glass roof of the large mall. I walked to the front door, only to see it fully packed with people. I pushed the door open. Once my whole body was past the people blocking it, a roar of screams filled the air.

I couldn't stand here and have my ears being torn out. The only place that was closest and had things I liked were the book story. Yes, I still like them even if I couldn't read as good as others. It was a happy place for me.

I moved around the edges of the walls to get to my destination, which was pretty hard. No sales workers were anywhere in sight, only an old couple relaxing on the bench and kids. I headed over to the teens section where only one copy of The Hunger Games stood. It was bound to be mine. My hand reached for it and took one side other it, but before I knew or saw it, someone else's had their eye on it too. The little girl yanked it out of my grip and stuck her little tongue at me before running off to other isles. How rude!

I stood closer to theshelves and kneeled down to check if there were any copies being hidden. Nothing. How can there be only one copy? I mean, they should at least have a thousand of them stacked somewhere visible, how Arizona has it.

A book appeared in front of my face, dangling for a hand. "Want my copy?" A voice asked.

I quickly stood up and looked at the brown haired man. "I can't. You got it before me," I smiled. he was really, really, drooling, warm water, jello, macaroni HOT!

 "It's okay, you can have it," he reached his hand out and laid it in mine with a wide smile of his own.

"Thank you. Here, I'll pay you for it." My side bag fell off my shoulder quickly. I retrieved my wallet in no time and pulled out a crispy $10 bill. I held it out to him, but he pushed it gently back to me.

"How about you give me your number instead?"

I of course nodded, most likely to be flushing like a tomato right now, took out a piece of paper and pen, jotting the ten digits down. I passed the paper to him as he typed it into his phone.

"I've never seen you around. Do you live here?" He grinned, sliding the phone back into his pants pocket.

"No, I kinda just moved here."

"If you need any help with anything, I kinda live here," he chuckled. "I'm Dallas."

"Aurora." Might have been a stupid move, but I held my hand out to him. He took it, shaking it tenderly in his grip.

"Nice to meet you. I have to run now because of my father, but I'll text you my number. How about we do something sometime?" He grinned, slipping his hand away from me.

"Sure," I smiled back. I was going to get a hot guy's number and maybe go out on a day with him one of these days. It made me happy.

Dallas winked with the same witty smile before exiting the store. I stared after him until he was lost in the croud of mostly teenage girls, still screaming their heads off. What was so amusing? Well, I really didn't care, but it was loud!

My blackberry buzzed on the side of my thigh. I pulled the white bold out and checked my messages, receiving Dallas's number. I couldn't help but smile at myself when I walked out into the parking lot. The first thing that came to mind was to save it into my contacts as Dallas ♥. Yes with a heart!

He was dreamy, the ways his eyes shimmered when he smiled ..

Oh my gosh, I need to shut up. Boys are not for right now. I can do that later when school starts for me, but my Grandma was the thing I should really have my mind on. She hated me with a passion, and that was what made me get home quicker. Maybe she'll get so frustrated with me she'll send me back to where I belong.

By the time walked through the door, I knew Alice was here, just by how the inside of the house felt. Too evil, I guess. She walked past the kitchen and glanced at me.

"Glad you're before 8," she said, slowing dragging a chest into the closet. I expected she would have a maid do it for her, but she didn't even bother with that.

"I had to. There's nothing else to do," I mumbled while jogging up the staircase.

"They have accepted you at Keele. School will start tomorrow."

Yeah, because of your bribe probably.

When I got to my room, I jumped into the sheets and pillows, burying my face. I decided to text Dallas. For one reason, I was bored out of my mind. The second was because I wanted to contact him, even if it's not face to face.

Me: Heey : )

Dallas: Hey Aury Bear ; )

Me: So, what school are you attending?

Dallas: Oh, I got myself a little stalker, huh?

Me: No no no! I just needed someone to be around, that's all ;$

Dallas: I go to Keele Academy

My cheeks seemed to burn with happiness and a sqeal escaped my lips.

Me: Me too!

Dallas: Wouldn't that be fun for us ; )

I didn't have to write LOL to actually laugh out loud. It was just a funny thing to me. The texting lasted till the next morning. I had to get ready to leave. I had a bad feeling, or maybe it was the weather that was making me assume that I did.

- So I don't know how long it is, but this is the end of Chapter Two. It's essay time .. -.-

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