"Do you want to go to Starbucks with me?" I asked suddenly. It was a weird question. I never asked Harry to go with me anywhere before class and he didn't ask me, but lately things are different. I wanted to try something new and also I was having the urge to be around him more. Wanting to spend time with him in ways that weren't just the apartment, or clubs.

He turned to me and raised his eyebrows. I suddenly regretted asking. What if he rejects me? I almost told him to forget about it when he smiled. "I'd love too," he said. I almost did a happy dance as I exited the room to the living room while he finished getting ready.

"What are you so happy about?" I heard El's familiar voice call as she entered the living room.

"Nothing," I said nonchalantly shrugging.

She gave me that look. You know the one your best friend gives you when she knows your lying. She'll tilt her head, give you a pointed look that says 'Do I look stupid', and then you crack. Yeah she gave me that look and I cracked.

"It's nothing I'm just going to Starbucks with Harry before class," I said trying to contain my excitement. She grinned at me before letting out a girlie squeal and running over to me jumping up and down. I jumped up and down too and squealed as well. Which was very out of character for me, and I realized I had turned into one of those girls, but at the moment I didn't care.

"Whoa, what did I miss," a voice called from the door. Louis and Harry stood there amused expressions on their face. El and I immediately put on our too cool for school faces and stopped jumping up and down.

"Nothing," we said simultaneously acting as if nothing happened. Louis just shook his head and made his way over to El pecking her lips.

"Whatever you say beautiful," he whispered to her against her lips. I smiled softly at the two, but my chest also constricted with envy. I wanted that. I wanted to be loved like that. The only problem is I wanted to be loved like that by Harry. I glanced over at him to find him staring at Louis and El like I had just been, a ghost of a smile on his face. Admiration and something a little like longing settled in his eyes as he stared at the two with his arms crossed.

"We should go," I said as I passed him. He seemed startled. His eyes darted to mine resting in me for a minuet. Almost as if he had forgotten I was there. Like he had gotten lost in their love.

He cleared his throat looking away from me.

"Yeah," was all he said before he was out the front door.

Harry's Pov:

  I thought of what it would be like to be with someone that way when I saw Louis and Eleanor together. Harpers face popped into my mind and I imagined what it would be like doing sweet coupley stuff with her. Doing simple little things to make her smile. Doing anything I could to make her happy. A warm feeling spread throughout my body and I enjoyed the way it made me feel. My stomach twisted in a way that it never had thinking of being with Harper. Her being mine and me being hers.

But when Harper's voice brought me back to the present I realized how stupid I sounded. I sounded like some guy out of a romance novel. And Harry Styles doesn't do romance novels. I was a bad boy who slept around and didn't give a shit about anything. At least that's who I tried to be. I never got hurt being the way I am. Well, emotionally anyway. I had taken a few hits hitting on girls who had massive boyfriends.

But the point is I never had to worry about heartbreak or any other sappy shit that goes on in normal peoples lives.

But having Harper in my life had been changing those views. I was starting to realize that its ok to be human and feel things. She made me wasn't to take the chance of getting hurt. She was so special, and I had known it ever since she had refused to sleep with me. She respected herself and stood up for the things she had believed in. She also did something that made my heart swell at the thought. She cared about me. She was one of the first people to sit down and get to know me. Like really get to know me. She didn't think that bad boy Harry was all that impressive, so she took the time to dig a little deeper. I appreciated that more than she could ever understand.

Despite all the good things about Harper though, I had been this way for so long. I was so used to shutting people out and pushing them away that I didn't know if I could ever change. Lately though I've been drawn towards her more. I have a horrible desire to kiss her and hold her every time I look at her. Things were so different. My stomach would feel like it was fluttering and doing flip flops, I would get short of breath, and my heart would speed up every time she walked into the room. I was so confused. I had never felt this way before. Of course I had crushes back in my school days when I was shy and misunderstood and naïve, but they were nothing compared to the way Harper made me feel. The way her eyes lit up with he smile, even the way she touched me. She was so gentle and tender and it was different to the way other girls had been with me. They were always rough and desperate, but Harper was slow and delicate. Loving.

I shut my car door figuring we could take my car. Harper usually preferred to walk, but I did not and if we were going to be driving to Starbucks, which is literally on the other side of the campus, we were taking my car. Harper came strolling out of the flat and searching for me while she walked. She spotted me in my car and I pretended to not be looking at her fiddling with the radio instead.

Once she had was seated next to me  I looked over at her a smirk pulling at my lips.

"Seatbelt," was all I said. She just laughed a little, sound that was like music to my ears. I could listen to that sound forever. She swung her seatbelt over her body and clicked it in place and stared at me expectantly. I sighed.

"Fine," I said with a roll of my eyes. If I'm honest I'm not really bothered by wearing my seatbelt. It was sweet the way Harper cared enough to make me put it on.

She shot me a triumphant smile and leaned back in her seat. I smiled at her cuteness and started the car. What is happening to me?

Good Girls like Bad BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora